Crypto Benchmark on MAX32690 MCU
ARM Cortex-M4 @ 120 MHz
This benchmark conducted on MAX32690 Evaluation Kit will help you in qualifying performance of CycloneCRYPTO (Cryptography library), CycloneSSL (TLS 1.3 & DTLS 1.2 library), CycloneSSH (SSH library with SCP & SFTP protocols), CycloneIPSEC (IPsec/IKEv2 library) and CycloneTCP (TCP/IPv4/IPv6 stack with secure protocols like HTTPS, FTPS, MQTTS, Secure WebSocket, Secure CoAP, Secure Modbus/TCP, SNMPv3...) running on Analog Devices MAX32690 microcontroller.
MAX32690 MCU also includes crypto hardware acceleration. In the following comparison charts, both hardware and software performance are presented in the relevant sections.
Cipher Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Encryption (Software) | Decryption (Software) | Encryption (Hardware) | Decryption (Hardware) |
3DES-CBC | 0.28 MB/s | 0.278 MB/s | - | - |
3DES-CTR | 0.282 MB/s | 0.282 MB/s | - | - |
AES128-CBC | 1.298 MB/s | 1.336 MB/s | 4.056 MB/s | 4.006 MB/s |
AES192-CBC | 1.135 MB/s | 1.182 MB/s | 3.521 MB/s | 3.477 MB/s |
AES256-CBC | 1.009 MB/s | 1.061 MB/s | 3.155 MB/s | 3.114 MB/s |
AES128-CTR | 1.265 MB/s | 1.265 MB/s | 5.05 MB/s | 5.042 MB/s |
AES192-CTR | 1.11 MB/s | 1.109 MB/s | 4.29 MB/s | 4.286 MB/s |
AES256-CTR | 0.988 MB/s | 0.988 MB/s | 3.729 MB/s | 3.725 MB/s |
SM4-CBC | 1.36 MB/s | 1.315 MB/s | - | - |
SM4-CTR | 1.324 MB/s | 1.323 MB/s | - | - |
AEAD Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Encryption (Software) | Decryption (Software) | Encryption (Hardware) | Decryption (Hardware) |
AES128-GCM | 0.733 MB/s | 0.732 MB/s | 1.182 MB/s | 1.18 MB/s |
AES192-GCM | 0.677 MB/s | 0.676 MB/s | 1.134 MB/s | 1.132 MB/s |
AES256-GCM | 0.629 MB/s | 0.628 MB/s | 1.09 MB/s | 1.088 MB/s |
AES128-CCM | 0.683 MB/s | 0.682 MB/s | - | - |
AES192-CCM | 0.591 MB/s | 0.59 MB/s | - | - |
AES256-CCM | 0.52 MB/s | 0.52 MB/s | - | - |
SM4-GCM | 0.753 MB/s | 0.752 MB/s | - | - |
SM4-CCM | 0.719 MB/s | 0.719 MB/s | - | - |
Ascon-AEAD128 | 1.501 MB/s | 1.529 MB/s | - | - |
ChaCha20Poly1305 | 1.113 MB/s | 1.111 MB/s | - | - |
Hash Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Speed (Software) | Speed (Hardware) |
MD5 | 6.435 MB/s | - |
SHA-1 | 1.647 MB/s | 25.839 MB/s |
SHA-224 | 1.505 MB/s | 26.954 MB/s |
SHA-256 | 1.505 MB/s | 26.954 MB/s |
SHA-384 | 0.766 MB/s | 27.932 MB/s |
SHA-512 | 0.766 MB/s | 28.011 MB/s |
SHA3-224 | 0.477 MB/s | - |
SHA3-256 | 0.451 MB/s | - |
SHA3-384 | 0.347 MB/s | - |
SHA3-512 | 0.241 MB/s | - |
SM3 | 1.329 MB/s | - |
Ascon-Hash256 | 0.589 MB/s | - |
Signature Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Generation (Software) | Verification (Software) | Generation (Hardware) | Verification (Hardware) |
RSA (1024 bits) | 150.5 ms | 28.4 ms | 71.2 ms | 1.5 ms |
RSA (2048 bits) | 764.2 ms | 103.7 ms | 377 ms | 4.8 ms |
DSA (1024 bits) | 84.9 ms | 178.3 ms | 41.8 ms | 81.6 ms |
DSA (2048 bits) | 381.1 ms | 810.5 ms | 184.8 ms | 353.3 ms |
EC Signature Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Generation (Software) | Verification (Software) | Generation (Hardware) | Verification (Hardware) |
ECDSA (secp256r1) | 100.2 ms | 89.6 ms | - | - |
ECDSA (secp384r1) | 246.9 ms | 221.9 ms | - | - |
ECDSA (secp521r1) | 520.6 ms | 455.2 ms | - | - |
ECDSA (brainpoolP256r1) | 190.9 ms | 189.6 ms | 176 ms | 173.4 ms |
ECDSA (brainpoolP384r1) | 508.3 ms | 505.5 ms | 370 ms | 362 ms |
ECDSA (brainpoolP512r1) | 1061.9 ms | 1074.4 ms | 652.9 ms | 647.5 ms |
SM2 | 89.1 ms | 89.1 ms | - | - |
EdDSA (Ed25519) | 24.7 ms | 22 ms | - | - |
EdDSA (Ed448) | 126.3 ms | 110.6 ms | - | - |
Key Exchange Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Public Key Generation (Software) | Shared Secret Computation (Software) | Public Key Generation (Hardware) | Shared Secret Computation (Hardware) |
Diffie-Hellman (1024 bits) | 288.4 ms | 287.5 ms | 150.6 ms | 151.3 ms |
Diffie-Hellman (2048 bits) | 1940.4 ms | 1936.5 ms | 1019.3 ms | 1022.2 ms |
EC Key Exchange Algorithms
MAX32690 @ 120 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using ARMCC with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Public Key Generation (Software) | Shared Secret Computation (Software) | Public Key Generation (Hardware) | Shared Secret Computation (Hardware) |
ECDH (secp256r1) | 88.8 ms | 88.6 ms | - | - |
ECDH (secp384r1) | 216.5 ms | 216.2 ms | - | - |
ECDH (secp521r1) | 449.4 ms | 448.8 ms | - | - |
ECDH (brainpoolP256r1) | 177.6 ms | 177.4 ms | 164.2 ms | 163.9 ms |
ECDH (brainpoolP384r1) | 471.8 ms | 471.5 ms | 345.1 ms | 344.7 ms |
ECDH (brainpoolP512r1) | 984.6 ms | 984.2 ms | 609.2 ms | 608.7 ms |
ECDH (SM2) | 89.1 ms | 88.9 ms | - | - |
ECDH (X25519) | 13.5 ms | 13.5 ms | - | - |
ECDH (X448) | 63.1 ms | 63 ms | - | - |