Crypto Benchmark on RA2A1 MCU
ARM Cortex-M23 @ 48 MHz

This benchmark conducted on EK-RA2A1 Evaluation Kit for RA2A1 MCU Group will help you in qualifying performance of CycloneCRYPTO (Cryptography library), CycloneSSL (TLS 1.3 & DTLS 1.2 library), CycloneSSH (SSH library with SCP & SFTP protocols), CycloneIPSEC (IPsec/IKEv2 library) and CycloneTCP (TCP/IPv4/IPv6 stack with secure protocols like HTTPS, FTPS, MQTTS, Secure WebSocket, Secure CoAP, Secure Modbus/TCP, SNMPv3...) running on Renesas RA2A1 microcontroller.

RA2A1 MCU also includes crypto hardware acceleration. In the following comparison charts, both hardware and software performance are presented in the relevant sections.

Cipher Algorithms

RA2A1 @ 48 MHz

  • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.3.2
  • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
AlgorithmCBC Encrypt (Software)CBC Decrypt (Software)CCM Encrypt (Software)CCM Decrypt (Software)GCM Encrypt (Software)GCM Decrypt (Software)
3DES0.059 MB/s0.057 MB/s - - - -
AES-1280.25 MB/s0.24 MB/s0.129 MB/s0.129 MB/s0.144 MB/s0.144 MB/s
AES-1920.214 MB/s0.206 MB/s0.11 MB/s0.109 MB/s0.131 MB/s0.131 MB/s
AES-2560.187 MB/s0.181 MB/s0.095 MB/s0.095 MB/s0.12 MB/s0.12 MB/s
AlgorithmCBC Encrypt (Hardware)CBC Decrypt (Hardware)CCM Encrypt (Hardware)CCM Decrypt (Hardware)GCM Encrypt (Hardware)GCM Decrypt (Hardware)
AES-1281.594 MB/s1.577 MB/s - - - -
AES-2561.239 MB/s1.223 MB/s - - - -

Hash Algorithms

RA2A1 @ 48 MHz

  • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.3.2
  • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm Speed (Software) Speed (Hardware)
MD5 2.142 MB/s -
SHA-1 0.407 MB/s -
SHA-224 0.265 MB/s -
SHA-256 0.265 MB/s -
SHA-384 0.206 MB/s -
SHA-512 0.206 MB/s -
SHA3-224 0.227 MB/s -
SHA3-256 0.214 MB/s -
SHA3-384 0.165 MB/s -
SHA3-512 0.114 MB/s -

Signature Algorithms

RA2A1 @ 48 MHz

  • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.3.2
  • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm Signature Generation (Software) Signature Verification (Software)
RSA (1024 bits) 1093.1 ms110 ms
RSA (2048 bits) 7491.2 ms418.7 ms
DSA (1024 bits) 651.4 ms1315.2 ms
DSA (2048 bits) 3710.3 ms7543.3 ms

EC Signature Algorithms

RA2A1 @ 48 MHz

  • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.3.2
  • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm Signature Generation (Software) Signature Verification (Software)
ECDSA (P-256) 984.9 ms1254.5 ms
ECDSA (P-384) 2179.3 ms2697.7 ms
ECDSA (P-521) 3464.2 ms4184.4 ms
EdDSA (Ed25519) 629.3 ms1252.8 ms
EdDSA (Ed448) 3180.4 ms6352.7 ms

Key Exchange Algorithms

RA2A1 @ 48 MHz

  • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.3.2
  • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm Public Key Generation (Software) Shared Secret Computation (Software)
Diffie-Hellman (1024 bits) 3459.1 ms3460.3 ms
Diffie-Hellman (2048 bits) 26566.8 ms26570.9 ms

EC Key Exchange Algorithms

RA2A1 @ 48 MHz

  • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.3.2
  • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm Public Key Generation (Software) Shared Secret Computation (Software)
ECDH (P-256) 975.3 ms973.6 ms
ECDH (P-384) 2089.5 ms2108.5 ms
ECDH (P-521) 3492.5 ms3486.7 ms
ECDH (X25519) 348.8 ms348.9 ms
ECDH (X448) 1609.3 ms1609.2 ms