Crypto Benchmark on RA6M5 MCU
ARM Cortex-M33 @ 200 MHz
This benchmark conducted on EK-RA6M5 Evaluation Kit for RA6M5 MCU Group will help you in qualifying performance of CycloneCRYPTO (Cryptography library), CycloneSSL (TLS 1.3 & DTLS 1.2 library), CycloneSSH (SSH library with SCP & SFTP protocols), CycloneIPSEC (IPsec/IKEv2 library) and CycloneTCP (TCP/IPv4/IPv6 stack with secure protocols like HTTPS, FTPS, MQTTS, Secure WebSocket, Secure CoAP, Secure Modbus/TCP, SNMPv3...) running on Renesas RA6M5 microcontroller.
RA6M5 MCU also includes crypto hardware acceleration. In the following comparison charts, both hardware and software performance are presented in the relevant sections.
Cipher Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Encryption (Software) |
Decryption (Software) |
Encryption (Hardware) |
Decryption (Hardware) |
3DES-CBC | 0.282 MB/s | 0.28 MB/s | - | - |
3DES-CTR | 0.272 MB/s | 0.273 MB/s | - | - |
AES128-CBC | 1.795 MB/s | 1.663 MB/s | 15.698 MB/s | 15.552 MB/s |
AES192-CBC | 1.629 MB/s | 1.52 MB/s | 16.666 MB/s | 16.556 MB/s |
AES256-CBC | 1.492 MB/s | 1.402 MB/s | 15.36 MB/s | 15.22 MB/s |
AES128-CTR | 1.719 MB/s | 1.718 MB/s | 15.267 MB/s | 15.22 MB/s |
AES192-CTR | 1.564 MB/s | 1.564 MB/s | 16.181 MB/s | 16.155 MB/s |
AES256-CTR | 1.437 MB/s | 1.436 MB/s | 14.97 MB/s | 14.947 MB/s |
SM4-CBC | 1.874 MB/s | 1.636 MB/s | - | - |
SM4-CTR | 1.749 MB/s | 1.747 MB/s | - | - |
AEAD Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Encryption (Software) |
Decryption (Software) |
Encryption (Hardware) |
Decryption (Hardware) |
AES128-GCM | 0.899 MB/s | 0.818 MB/s | 13.605 MB/s | 13.297 MB/s |
AES192-GCM | 0.854 MB/s | 0.78 MB/s | 14.792 MB/s | 14.245 MB/s |
AES256-GCM | 0.815 MB/s | 0.747 MB/s | 14.164 MB/s | 13.717 MB/s |
AES128-CCM | 0.975 MB/s | 0.931 MB/s | 13.44 MB/s | 12.626 MB/s |
AES192-CCM | 0.879 MB/s | 0.843 MB/s | 14.925 MB/s | 14.084 MB/s |
AES256-CCM | 0.796 MB/s | 0.765 MB/s | 14.306 MB/s | 13.55 MB/s |
SM4-GCM | 0.93 MB/s | 0.941 MB/s | - | - |
SM4-CCM | 0.947 MB/s | 0.937 MB/s | - | - |
Ascon-AEAD128 | 2.146 MB/s | 2.172 MB/s | - | - |
ChaCha20Poly1305 | 2.602 MB/s | 2.594 MB/s | - | - |
Hash Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Speed (Software) |
Speed (Hardware) |
MD5 | 10.537 MB/s | - |
SHA-1 | 2.72 MB/s | - |
SHA-224 | 1.762 MB/s | 46.082 MB/s |
SHA-256 | 1.762 MB/s | 46.728 MB/s |
SHA-384 | 0.912 MB/s | - |
SHA-512 | 0.913 MB/s | - |
SHA3-224 | 0.771 MB/s | - |
SHA3-256 | 0.729 MB/s | - |
SHA3-384 | 0.56 MB/s | - |
SHA3-512 | 0.389 MB/s | - |
SM3 | 1.651 MB/s | - |
Ascon-Hash256 | 0.82 MB/s | - |
Signature Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Generation (Software) |
Verification (Software) |
Generation (Hardware) |
Verification (Hardware) |
RSA (1024 bits) | 117 ms | 18.2 ms | 6.8 ms | 0.3 ms |
RSA (2048 bits) | 655.8 ms | 67.2 ms | 132.8 ms | 1.5 ms |
RSA (3072 bits) | 1923 ms | 144.1 ms | 375.1 ms | 28.1 ms |
RSA (4096 bits) | 4238.1 ms | 255.4 ms | 444.4 ms | 35.7 ms |
DSA (1024 bits) | 66.8 ms | 139.8 ms | - | - |
DSA (2048 bits) | 324.3 ms | 685.4 ms | - | - |
DSA (3072 bits) | 700.7 ms | 1487.6 ms | - | - |
EC Signature Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Generation (Software) |
Verification (Software) |
Generation (Hardware) |
Verification (Hardware) |
ECDSA (secp256r1) | 99.9 ms | 89.7 ms | 12.6 ms | 18.6 ms |
ECDSA (secp384r1) | 235.2 ms | 212.1 ms | 22.6 ms | 33.5 ms |
ECDSA (secp521r1) | 472.8 ms | 413.4 ms | - | - |
ECDSA (brainpoolP256r1) | 190.6 ms | 189 ms | 12.5 ms | 18.8 ms |
ECDSA (brainpoolP384r1) | 457.8 ms | 453.5 ms | 22.3 ms | 33.5 ms |
ECDSA (brainpoolP512r1) | 885.9 ms | 892.1 ms | - | - |
SM2 | 87.6 ms | 87.6 ms | - | - |
EdDSA (Ed25519) | 27 ms | 24.5 ms | - | - |
EdDSA (Ed448) | 140.8 ms | 128.1 ms | - | - |
Key Exchange Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Public Key Generation (Software) |
Shared Secret Computation (Software) |
Public Key Generation (Hardware) |
Shared Secret Computation (Hardware) |
Diffie-Hellman (1024 bits) | 266.6 ms | 266.8 ms | 6.7 ms | 6.5 ms |
Diffie-Hellman (2048 bits) | 1891.1 ms | 1891.5 ms | 131.8 ms | 131.3 ms |
EC Key Exchange Algorithms
RA6M5 @ 200 MHz
- • Benchmark generated with CycloneCRYPTO 2.5.0
- • Compiled using Clang with optimization level 3
Algorithm | Public Key Generation (Software) |
Shared Secret Computation (Software) |
Public Key Generation (Hardware) |
Shared Secret Computation (Hardware) |
ECDH (secp256r1) | 88.4 ms | 88.3 ms | 15.7 ms | 15.5 ms |
ECDH (secp384r1) | 208 ms | 207.8 ms | 30.4 ms | 30.3 ms |
ECDH (secp521r1) | 408 ms | 407.8 ms | - | - |
ECDH (brainpoolP256r1) | 177.5 ms | 177.4 ms | 25.1 ms | 25 ms |
ECDH (brainpoolP384r1) | 425.7 ms | 425.4 ms | 53.1 ms | 52.9 ms |
ECDH (brainpoolP512r1) | 822.5 ms | 822.3 ms | - | - |
ECDH (SM2) | 87.7 ms | 87.5 ms | - | - |
ECDH (X25519) | 14.9 ms | 14.9 ms | - | - |
ECDH (X448) | 74.1 ms | 74.1 ms | - | - |