CycloneTCP Commercial License

For proprietary developments

CycloneTCP is available under 3 different commercial license categories for proprietary developments in a commercial context.

CycloneTCP Lite


CycloneTCP Lite includes all the core features of the IPv4 stack but does not provide any application protocols. This version targets developers who only need access to sockets and basic protocols (Auto-IP, DHCP client and DNS client).

CycloneTCP Pro


CycloneTCP Pro is a full-featured TCP/IP stack (IPv4 support) that comes with a full set of application protocols like FTP, TFTP, HTTP, SMTP, MQTT, MQTT-SN, CoAP, SNMP, SNTP, NTS, Modbus/TCP, Syslog and WebSocket.

CycloneTCP Ultimate


CycloneTCP Ultimate is a full-featured dual stack (IPv4 and/or IPv6 support). This version includes a full set of application protocols (FTP, TFTP, HTTP, SMTP, MQTT, MQTT-SN, CoAP, SNMP, SNTP, NTS, Modbus/TCP, Syslog and WebSocket) and advanced protocols (IGMPv2 router & snooping switch, LLDP agent and NAT).

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Commercial Software Packages | 2.5.0

PriceFrom €3,950
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Royalty free & Perpetual license (one-time fee)
Non-GPL license for commercial use with closed source software
Delivery & Service
Source code & Doxygen documentation
+ PDF user manual describing the core of the TCP/IP stack
12-month Support & Update Agreement (warranty, technical support, software updates, update notifications, migration guide, bug & security fixing, IP infringement protection)
IPv4 Stack & Basic Protocols
ARP, IPv4, ICMP, IGMPv3 host, UDP, TCP, BSD sockets, Auto-IP, DHCP client, Host name resolution (DNS, mDNS, NetBIOS, LLMNR), VLAN (802.1q), PCAP driver to run the stack on Windows / Linux
Application Protocols
DHCP server, DNS-SD responder, FTP client & server, TFTP client & server, HTTP client (REST API) & server, SMTP client, MQTT client, MQTT-SN client, CoAP client & server, SNMPv1/v2c agent, SNMPv3 agent (DES/AES encryption required), SNTP client, NTS Client (TLS 1.3 library and AES-SIV-CMAC encryption required), Echo server, Modbus/TCP client & server, Syslog client, WebSocket client & server
IPv6 Stack & Advanced Protocols
IPv6, NDP, ICMPv6, MLDv2 node, SLAAC, DHCPv6 client & relay agent, IGMPv2 router & snooping switch, LLDP agent, NAT
Network Interface Drivers (on demand)
Ethernet MAC, Ethernet Switch, Wi-Fi, PPP (Point to Point Protocol), Ethernet over USB, Ethernet over SPI
Secure Protocols available when using our Security Libraries
Secure Socket (TCP/UDP), FTPS client & server, HTTPS client & server, Secure SMTP client, Secure MQTT client (MQTTS), Secure MQTT-SN client, Secure CoAP client & server, Secure Modbus/TCP client & server, Secure WebSocket (WSS) client & server

SSH client & server, SFTP client & server, SCP client & server

Secure communication using IPsec (Transport mode over IPv4)
Optional Protocols
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP and RSTP)

HTTP/2 client
CycloneHTTP/2 Add-on(1)

(1) The HTTP/2 client is also available under ST Liberty Ultimate License for STM32 users. Refer to Alexa Voice Service software expansion for STM32Cube (X-CUBE-AVS).

Choose a Commercial License for:



If you develop proprietary commercial applications with closed source, use of a Commercial License is required.


Priority Support

You will have access to priority technical support with software maintenance for updates & security patches.



This license gives the right to develop and modify our software to embed it in your commercial products.


IP Protection

We guarantee that 100% of our commercial software packages have been developed in-house.


Custom Services

Our customers are entitled to fair pricing for custom connectivity related software development or expertise.



All our standard Commercial Licenses are royalty-free licenses (one-time license fee), making licensing easier.