error_t dhcpDumpMessage(const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
Dump DHCP message for debugging purpose.
Definition: dhcp_debug.c:158
Date and time management.
DHCP client (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
error_t dhcpClientSendRelease(DhcpClientContext *context)
Send DHCPRELEASE message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:614
void dhcpClientStateSelecting(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:96
void dhcpClientParseAck(DhcpClientContext *context, const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
Parse DHCPACK message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:888
void dhcpClientStateInitReboot(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:241
error_t dhcpClientSendDiscover(DhcpClientContext *context)
Send DHCPDISCOVER message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:221
const char_t * formatSystemTime(systime_t time, char_t *str)
Format system time.
Definition: date_time.c:77
error_t dhcpClientSendRequest(DhcpClientContext *context)
Send DHCPREQUEST message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:337
Helper functions for DHCP client.
void dhcpClientParseOffer(DhcpClientContext *context, const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
Parse DHCPOFFER message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:823
void dhcpClientStateProbing(DhcpClientContext *context)
PROBING state.
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:363
void dhcpClientCheckTimeout(DhcpClientContext *context)
Manage DHCP configuration timeout.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:1212
error_t dhcpAddOption(DhcpMessage *message, size_t *messageLen, uint8_t optionCode, const void *optionValue, size_t optionLen)
Append an option to a DHCP message.
Definition: dhcp_common.c:56
error_t dhcpClientSendDecline(DhcpClientContext *context)
Send DHCPDECLINE message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:500
void dhcpClientStateRebooting(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:281
void dhcpClientStateAnnouncing(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:430
NetInterface * nicGetPhysicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve physical interface.
Definition: nic.c:85
An address whose uniqueness on a link is being verified.
Definition: ipv4.h:203
void dhcpClientStateRenewing(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:535
void dhcpClientChangeState(DhcpClientContext *context, DhcpState newState, systime_t delay)
Update DHCP FSM state.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:1280
error_t udpSendBuffer(NetInterface *interface, const IpAddr *srcIpAddr, uint16_t srcPort, const IpAddr *destIpAddr, uint16_t destPort, NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, NetTxAncillary *ancillary)
Send a UDP datagram.
Definition: udp.c:658
Definitions common to DHCP client and server.
size_t netBufferGetLength(const NetBuffer *buffer)
Get the actual length of a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:297
NetBuffer * udpAllocBuffer(size_t length, size_t *offset)
Allocate a buffer to hold a UDP packet.
Definition: udp.c:948
DHCP client finite state machine.
void dhcpClientStateRebinding(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:606
void dhcpClientProcessMessage(NetInterface *interface, const IpPseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const UdpHeader *udpHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, const NetRxAncillary *ancillary, void *param)
Process incoming DHCP message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:735
void osAcquireMutex(OsMutex *mutex)
Acquire ownership of the specified mutex object.
Definition: os_port_chibios.c:396
Data logging functions for debugging purpose (DHCP)
void dhcpClientDumpConfig(DhcpClientContext *context)
Dump DHCP configuration for debugging purpose.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:1384
void osReleaseMutex(OsMutex *mutex)
Release ownership of the specified mutex object.
Definition: os_port_chibios.c:408
void dhcpClientStateRequesting(DhcpClientContext *context)
Definition: dhcp_client_fsm.c:161
error_t netBufferSetLength(NetBuffer *buffer, size_t length)
Adjust the length of a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:322
void * netBufferAt(const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, size_t length)
Returns a pointer to a data segment.
Definition: net_mem.c:418
void dhcpClientTick(DhcpClientContext *context)
DHCP client timer handler.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:73
An address assigned to an interface whose use is unrestricted.
Definition: ipv4.h:204
uint16_t dhcpClientComputeElapsedTime(DhcpClientContext *context)
Compute the appropriate secs field.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:1257
void dhcpClientLinkChangeEvent(DhcpClientContext *context)
Callback function for link change event.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:167
TCP/IP stack core.
NetInterface * nicGetLogicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve logical interface.
Definition: nic.c:53
char_t * ipv4AddrToString(Ipv4Addr ipAddr, char_t *str)
Convert a binary IPv4 address to dot-decimal notation.
Definition: ipv4.c:1478
void dhcpClientParseNak(DhcpClientContext *context, const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
Parse DHCPNAK message.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:1136
error_t mdnsResponderStartProbing(MdnsResponderContext *context)
Restart probing process.
Definition: mdns_responder.c:253
void dhcpClientResetConfig(DhcpClientContext *context)
Reset DHCP configuration.
Definition: dhcp_client_misc.c:1345
Debugging facilities.
DhcpOption * dhcpGetOption(const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length, uint8_t optionCode)
Search a DHCP message for a given option.
Definition: dhcp_common.c:118
mDNS responder (Multicast DNS)