char_t * eui64AddrToString(const Eui64 *eui64, char_t *str)
Convert an EUI-64 address to a dash delimited string.
Definition: ethernet.c:1095
error_t ethAcceptMacAddr(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *macAddr)
Add a unicast/multicast address to the MAC filter table.
Definition: ethernet.c:594
IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)
MIB-II module.
error_t eui64StringToAddr(const char_t *str, Eui64 *eui64)
Convert a string representation of an EUI-64 address to a binary EUI-64 address.
Definition: ethernet.c:995
void ethUpdateInStats(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *destMacAddr)
Update Ethernet input statistics.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:383
void macAddrToEui64(const MacAddr *macAddr, Eui64 *interfaceId)
Map a MAC address to the IPv6 modified EUI-64 identifier.
Definition: ethernet.c:946
error_t nicSendPacket(NetInterface *interface, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, NetTxAncillary *ancillary)
Send a packet to the network controller.
Definition: nic.c:281
void ipv4ProcessPacket(NetInterface *interface, Ipv4Header *packet, size_t length, NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Incoming IPv4 packet processing.
Definition: ipv4.c:607
error_t ethSendFrame(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *destAddr, uint16_t type, NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, NetTxAncillary *ancillary)
Send an Ethernet frame.
Definition: ethernet.c:399
error_t ethCheckCrc(NetInterface *interface, const uint8_t *frame, size_t length)
Ethernet CRC verification.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:644
void ipv6ProcessPacket(NetInterface *interface, NetBuffer *ipPacket, size_t ipPacketOffset, NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Incoming IPv6 packet processing.
Definition: ipv6.c:976
error_t ethDropMacAddr(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *macAddr)
Remove a unicast/multicast address from the MAC filter table.
Definition: ethernet.c:666
uint32_t ethCalcCrcEx(const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, size_t length)
Calculate CRC over a multi-part buffer.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:567
void ethUpdateErrorStats(NetInterface *interface, error_t error)
Update Ethernet error statistics.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:464
NetInterface * nicGetPhysicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve physical interface.
Definition: nic.c:85
void ethProcessFrame(NetInterface *interface, uint8_t *frame, size_t length, NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Process an incoming Ethernet frame.
Definition: ethernet.c:84
void(* LlcRxCallback)(NetInterface *interface, EthHeader *header, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, NetRxAncillary *ancillary, void *param)
LLC frame received callback.
Definition: ethernet.h:274
void ethDumpHeader(const EthHeader *ethHeader)
Dump Ethernet header for debugging purpose.
Definition: ethernet.c:973
error_t ethDecodeVlanTag(const uint8_t *frame, size_t length, uint16_t *vlanId, uint16_t *type)
VLAN tag decoding.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:243
char_t * macAddrToString(const MacAddr *macAddr, char_t *str)
Convert a MAC address to a dash delimited string.
Definition: ethernet.c:919
Definition: net_mem.h:97
error_t ethPadFrame(NetBuffer *buffer, size_t *length)
Ethernet frame padding.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:147
void rawSocketProcessEthPacket(NetInterface *interface, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, const NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Process incoming Ethernet packet.
Definition: raw_socket.c:385
error_t macStringToAddr(const char_t *str, MacAddr *macAddr)
Convert a string representation of a MAC address to a binary MAC address.
Definition: ethernet.c:821
void arpProcessPacket(NetInterface *interface, ArpPacket *arpPacket, size_t length)
Incoming ARP packet processing.
Definition: arp.c:646
size_t netBufferGetLength(const NetBuffer *buffer)
Get the actual length of a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:297
Interfaces Group MIB module.
error_t nicUpdateMacAddrFilter(NetInterface *interface)
Configure MAC address filtering.
Definition: nic.c:353
TCP/IP raw sockets.
error_t ethCheckDestAddr(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *macAddr)
Destination MAC address filtering.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:279
error_t netBufferAppend(NetBuffer *dest, const void *src, size_t length)
Append data a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:604
Network interface controller abstraction layer.
error_t ethAttachLlcRxCalback(NetInterface *interface, LlcRxCallback callback, void *param)
Register LLC frame received callback.
Definition: ethernet.c:721
Socket API.
void ethUpdateOutStats(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *destMacAddr, size_t length)
Update Ethernet output statistics.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:421
void * netBufferAt(const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, size_t length)
Returns a pointer to a data segment.
Definition: net_mem.c:418
bool_t ethTrapIgmpPacket(EthHeader *header, uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Trap IGMP packets.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:351
error_t ethDetachLlcRxCalback(NetInterface *interface)
Unregister LLC frame received callback.
Definition: ethernet.c:749
IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4)
TCP timer management.
NetBuffer * ethAllocBuffer(size_t length, size_t *offset)
Allocate a buffer to hold an Ethernet frame.
Definition: ethernet.c:777
TCP/IP stack core.
NetInterface * nicGetLogicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve logical interface.
Definition: nic.c:53
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
Helper functions for Ethernet.
uint8_t nicGetSwitchPort(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve switch port identifier.
Definition: nic.c:114
error_t ethEncodeVlanTag(NetBuffer *buffer, size_t *offset, uint16_t vlanId, int8_t vlanPcp, int8_t vlanDei, uint16_t type)
VLAN tag encoding.
Definition: ethernet_misc.c:190
Debugging facilities.