AH algorithm negotiation.
error_t ikeSelectEncAlgo(IkeSaEntry *sa, uint16_t encAlgoId, size_t encKeyLen)
Select the relevant encryption algorithm.
Definition: ike_algorithms.c:351
error_t ikeComputePrf(IkeSaEntry *sa, const uint8_t *k, size_t kLen, const void *s, size_t sLen, uint8_t *output)
Pseudorandom function (prf function)
Definition: ike_key_material.c:421
ESP algorithm negotiation.
error_t ikeSelectPrfAlgo(IkeSaEntry *sa, uint16_t prfAlgoId)
Select the relevant PRF algorithm.
Definition: ike_algorithms.c:1042
void xcbcMacUpdate(XcbcMacContext *context, const void *data, size_t dataLen)
Update the XCBC-MAC context with a portion of the message being hashed.
Definition: xcbc_mac.c:183
void ikeUpdatePrf(IkeSaEntry *sa, const uint8_t *s, size_t sLen)
Update PRF calculation.
Definition: ike_key_material.c:657
error_t ikeSelectAuthAlgo(IkeSaEntry *sa, uint16_t authAlgoId)
Select the relevant MAC algorithm.
Definition: ike_algorithms.c:940
Key material generation.
error_t ikeComputePrfPlus(IkeSaEntry *sa, const uint8_t *k, size_t kLen, const uint8_t *s, size_t sLen, uint8_t *output, size_t outputLen)
Function that outputs a pseudorandom stream (prf+ function)
Definition: ike_key_material.c:456
error_t espSelectEncAlgo(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa, uint16_t encAlgoId, size_t encKeyLen)
Select the relevant encryption algorithm.
Definition: esp_algorithms.c:234
error_t ahSelectAuthAlgo(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa, uint16_t authAlgoId)
Select the relevant MAC algorithm.
Definition: ah_algorithms.c:94
bool_t ikeIsAeadEncAlgo(uint16_t encAlgoId)
Test if the transform ID identifies an AEAD encryption algorithm.
Definition: ike_algorithms.c:2065
IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange Protocol)
__weak_func void hmacUpdate(HmacContext *context, const void *data, size_t length)
Update the HMAC context with a portion of the message being hashed.
Definition: hmac.c:201
error_t xcbcMacInit(XcbcMacContext *context, const CipherAlgo *cipher, const void *key, size_t keyLen)
Initialize XCBC-MAC calculation.
Definition: xcbc_mac.c:107
error_t ikeGenerateChildSaKeyMaterial(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa)
Generate keying material for the Child SA.
Definition: ike_key_material.c:261
error_t ikeGenerateSaKeyMaterial(IkeSaEntry *sa, IkeSaEntry *oldSa)
Generate keying material for the IKE SA.
Definition: ike_key_material.c:53
__weak_func void hmacFinal(HmacContext *context, uint8_t *digest)
Finish the HMAC calculation.
Definition: hmac.c:218
error_t ikeInitPrf(IkeSaEntry *sa, const uint8_t *vk, size_t vkLen)
Initialize PRF calculation.
Definition: ike_key_material.c:521
error_t cmacInit(CmacContext *context, const CipherAlgo *cipher, const void *key, size_t keyLen)
Initialize CMAC calculation.
Definition: cmac.c:107
void cmacUpdate(CmacContext *context, const void *data, size_t dataLen)
Update the CMAC context with a portion of the message being hashed.
Definition: cmac.c:191
error_t ikeFinalizePrf(IkeSaEntry *sa, uint8_t *output)
Finalize PRF calculation.
Definition: ike_key_material.c:702
error_t xcbcMacFinal(XcbcMacContext *context, uint8_t *mac, size_t macLen)
Finish the XCBC-MAC calculation.
Definition: xcbc_mac.c:229
error_t espSelectAuthAlgo(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa, uint16_t authAlgoId)
Select the relevant MAC algorithm.
Definition: esp_algorithms.c:823
__weak_func error_t hmacInit(HmacContext *context, const HashAlgo *hash, const void *key, size_t keyLen)
Initialize HMAC calculation.
Definition: hmac.c:140
error_t cmacFinal(CmacContext *context, uint8_t *mac, size_t macLen)
Finish the CMAC calculation.
Definition: cmac.c:237
IKEv2 algorithm negotiation.
Debugging facilities.