Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Helper functions for IKEv2.
error_t ikeRetransmitResponse(IkeSaEntry *sa)
Retransmit IKE response message.
Definition: ike_misc.c:98
error_t ikeGenerateSaSpi(IkeSaEntry *sa, uint8_t *spi)
Generate a new IKE SA SPI.
Definition: ike_misc.c:530
systime_t ikeRandomizeDelay(IkeContext *context, systime_t delay)
Apply random jitter to a time interval.
Definition: ike_misc.c:723
IkeChildSaEntry * ikeCreateChildSaEntry(IkeContext *context)
Create a new Child Security Association.
Definition: ike_misc.c:396
error_t ikeSelectTs(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa, const IkeTsPayload *tsiPayload, const IkeTsPayload *tsrPayload)
Traffic selector selection.
Definition: ike_misc.c:760
IkeSaEntry * ikeCreateSaEntry(IkeContext *context)
Create a new IKE Security Association.
Definition: ike_misc.c:136
Data logging functions for debugging purpose (IKEv2)
void ikeInitDhContext(IkeSaEntry *sa)
Initialize Diffie-Hellman context.
Definition: ike_key_exchange.c:50
bool_t ipCompAddr(const IpAddr *ipAddr1, const IpAddr *ipAddr2)
Compare IP addresses.
Definition: ip.c:317
bool_t ipsecIntersectSelectors(const IpsecSelector *selector1, const IpsecSelector *selector2, IpsecSelector *result)
Calculate the intersection of two selectors.
Definition: ipsec_misc.c:545
Helper routines for IPsec.
bool_t ipsecIsSubsetSelector(const IpsecSelector *selector1, const IpsecSelector *selector2)
Test if a selector is a subset of another selector.
Definition: ipsec_misc.c:362
error_t ikeParseTs(const uint8_t *p, size_t length, IkeTsParams *tsParams)
Parse Traffic Selector substructure.
Definition: ike_payload_parse.c:691
IkeChildSaEntry * ikeFindChildSaEntry(IkeSaEntry *sa, uint8_t protocolId, const uint8_t *spi)
Find an Child SA that matches the specified SPI.
Definition: ike_misc.c:459
error_t ipsecSetSadEntry(IpsecContext *context, uint_t index, IpsecSadEntry *params)
Set entry at specified index in SAD database.
Definition: ipsec.c:185
void ikeDeleteDuplicateSaEntries(IkeSaEntry *sa)
Delete an duplicate IKE Security Associations.
Definition: ike_misc.c:353
void ikeDeleteChildSaEntry(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa)
Delete a Child Security Association.
Definition: ike_misc.c:501
error_t ikeCheckNonceLength(IkeSaEntry *sa, size_t nonceLen)
Check the length of the nonce.
Definition: ike_misc.c:934
error_t ikeCheckTs(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa, const IkeTsPayload *tsiPayload, const IkeTsPayload *tsrPayload)
Check whether the selected traffic selectors are acceptable.
Definition: ike_misc.c:854
IpsecSpdEntry * ipsecFindSpdEntry(IpsecContext *context, IpsecPolicyAction policyAction, const IpsecSelector *selector)
Search the SPD database for a matching entry.
Definition: ipsec_misc.c:51
IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange Protocol)
error_t ikeCreateIpsecSaPair(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa)
Create AH or ESP SA pair.
Definition: ike_misc.c:1026
int_t ipsecAllocateSadEntry(IpsecContext *context)
Allocate a new entry in the SAD database.
Definition: ipsec_misc.c:96
IKE payload parsing.
IkeSaEntry * ikeFindSaEntry(IkeContext *context, const IkeHeader *ikeHeader)
Find an IKE SA that matches an incoming IKE message.
Definition: ike_misc.c:183
error_t ikeGenerateChildSaSpi(IkeChildSaEntry *childSa, uint8_t *spi)
Generate a new Child SA SPI.
Definition: ike_misc.c:615
error_t socketSendTo(Socket *socket, const IpAddr *destIpAddr, uint16_t destPort, const void *data, size_t length, size_t *written, uint_t flags)
Send a datagram to a specific destination.
Definition: socket.c:1512
bool_t ikeIsInitialContact(IkeSaEntry *sa)
Test if the IKE SA is the only currently active with a given peer.
Definition: ike_misc.c:1152
void osSetEvent(OsEvent *event)
Set the specified event object to the signaled state.
Definition: os_port_chibios.c:202
IkeSaEntry * ikeFindHalfOpenSaEntry(IkeContext *context, const IkeHeader *ikeHeader, const IkeNoncePayload *noncePayload)
Find an half-open IKE SA that matches an incoming IKE_SA_INIT request.
Definition: ike_misc.c:244
error_t ikeGenerateNonce(IkeContext *context, uint8_t *nonce, size_t *length)
Generate a new nonce.
Definition: ike_misc.c:689
void ikeDumpMessage(const uint8_t *message, size_t length)
Dump IKE message.
Definition: ike_debug.c:385
error_t ipsecClearSadEntry(IpsecContext *context, uint_t index)
Clear entry at specified index in SAD database.
Definition: ipsec.c:260
Debugging facilities.
error_t ikeRetransmitRequest(IkeSaEntry *sa)
Retransmit IKE request message.
Definition: ike_misc.c:56
void ikeFreeDhContext(IkeSaEntry *sa)
Release Diffie-Hellman context.
Definition: ike_key_exchange.c:69