Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file mars.c
3  * @brief MARS encryption algorithm
4  *
5  * @section License
6  *
7  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2010-2025 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
10  *
11  * This file is part of CycloneCRYPTO Open.
12  *
13  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
15  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
16  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17  *
18  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21  * GNU General Public License for more details.
22  *
23  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
25  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26  *
27  * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (
28  * @version 2.5.0
29  **/
31 //Switch to the appropriate trace level
34 //Dependencies
35 #include "core/crypto.h"
36 #include "cipher/mars.h"
38 //Check crypto library configuration
41 //S-box S
42 #define S(n) sbox[(n) & 0x1FF]
43 //S-box S0
44 #define S0(n) sbox[(n) & 0xFF]
45 //S-box S1
46 #define S1(n) sbox[((n) & 0xFF) + 256]
48 //Forward mixing
49 #define F_MIX(a, b, c, d) \
50 { \
51  uint32_t t; \
52  b ^= S0(a); \
53  t = ROR32(a, 8); \
54  b += S1(t); \
55  t = ROR32(a, 16); \
56  c += S0(t); \
57  a = ROR32(a, 24); \
58  d ^= S1(a); \
59 }
61 //Backwards mixing
62 #define B_MIX(a, b, c, d) \
63 { \
64  uint32_t t; \
65  b ^= S1(a); \
66  t = ROL32(a, 8); \
67  c -= S0(t); \
68  t = ROL32(a, 16); \
69  d -= S1(t); \
70  a = ROL32(a, 24); \
71  d ^= S0(a); \
72 }
74 //Cryptographic core (encryption)
75 #define CORE(a, b, c, d, k1, k2) \
76 { \
77  uint32_t r; \
78  uint32_t l; \
79  uint32_t m; \
80  m = a + k1; \
81  a = ROL32(a, 13); \
82  r = a * k2; \
83  r = ROL32(r, 5); \
84  c += ROL32(m, r & 0x1F); \
85  l = S(m) ^ r; \
86  r = ROL32(r, 5); \
87  l ^= r; \
88  d ^= r; \
89  b += ROL32(l, r & 0x1F); \
90 }
92 //Cryptographic core (decryption)
93 #define CORE_INV(a, b, c, d, k1, k2) \
94 { \
95  uint32_t r; \
96  uint32_t l; \
97  uint32_t m; \
98  r = a * k2; \
99  a = ROR32(a, 13); \
100  m = a + k1; \
101  r = ROL32(r, 5); \
102  c -= ROL32(m, r & 0x1F); \
103  l = S(m) ^ r; \
104  r = ROL32(r, 5); \
105  l ^= r; \
106  d ^= r; \
107  b -= ROL32(l, r & 0x1F); \
108 };
110 //Mask generation (Brian Gladman and Shai Halevi's technique)
111 #define MASK_GEN(m, w) \
112 { \
113  m = ~w ^ (w >> 1); \
114  m &= 0x7FFFFFFF; \
115  m &= (m >> 1) & (m >> 2); \
116  m &= (m >> 3) & (m >> 6); \
117  if(m != 0) \
118  { \
119  m <<= 1; \
120  m |= (m << 1); \
121  m |= (m << 2); \
122  m |= (m << 4); \
123  m &= 0xFFFFFFFC; \
124  } \
125 }
127 //Fixed table B
128 static const uint32_t btab[4] =
129 {
130  0xA4A8D57B, 0x5B5D193B, 0xC8A8309B, 0x73F9A978
131 };
133 //S-box (concatenation of S0 and S1)
134 static const uint32_t sbox[512] =
135 {
136  0x09D0C479, 0x28C8FFE0, 0x84AA6C39, 0x9DAD7287, 0x7DFF9BE3, 0xD4268361, 0xC96DA1D4, 0x7974CC93,
137  0x85D0582E, 0x2A4B5705, 0x1CA16A62, 0xC3BD279D, 0x0F1F25E5, 0x5160372F, 0xC695C1FB, 0x4D7FF1E4,
138  0xAE5F6BF4, 0x0D72EE46, 0xFF23DE8A, 0xB1CF8E83, 0xF14902E2, 0x3E981E42, 0x8BF53EB6, 0x7F4BF8AC,
139  0x83631F83, 0x25970205, 0x76AFE784, 0x3A7931D4, 0x4F846450, 0x5C64C3F6, 0x210A5F18, 0xC6986A26,
140  0x28F4E826, 0x3A60A81C, 0xD340A664, 0x7EA820C4, 0x526687C5, 0x7EDDD12B, 0x32A11D1D, 0x9C9EF086,
141  0x80F6E831, 0xAB6F04AD, 0x56FB9B53, 0x8B2E095C, 0xB68556AE, 0xD2250B0D, 0x294A7721, 0xE21FB253,
142  0xAE136749, 0xE82AAE86, 0x93365104, 0x99404A66, 0x78A784DC, 0xB69BA84B, 0x04046793, 0x23DB5C1E,
143  0x46CAE1D6, 0x2FE28134, 0x5A223942, 0x1863CD5B, 0xC190C6E3, 0x07DFB846, 0x6EB88816, 0x2D0DCC4A,
144  0xA4CCAE59, 0x3798670D, 0xCBFA9493, 0x4F481D45, 0xEAFC8CA8, 0xDB1129D6, 0xB0449E20, 0x0F5407FB,
145  0x6167D9A8, 0xD1F45763, 0x4DAA96C3, 0x3BEC5958, 0xABABA014, 0xB6CCD201, 0x38D6279F, 0x02682215,
146  0x8F376CD5, 0x092C237E, 0xBFC56593, 0x32889D2C, 0x854B3E95, 0x05BB9B43, 0x7DCD5DCD, 0xA02E926C,
147  0xFAE527E5, 0x36A1C330, 0x3412E1AE, 0xF257F462, 0x3C4F1D71, 0x30A2E809, 0x68E5F551, 0x9C61BA44,
148  0x5DED0AB8, 0x75CE09C8, 0x9654F93E, 0x698C0CCA, 0x243CB3E4, 0x2B062B97, 0x0F3B8D9E, 0x00E050DF,
149  0xFC5D6166, 0xE35F9288, 0xC079550D, 0x0591AEE8, 0x8E531E74, 0x75FE3578, 0x2F6D829A, 0xF60B21AE,
150  0x95E8EB8D, 0x6699486B, 0x901D7D9B, 0xFD6D6E31, 0x1090ACEF, 0xE0670DD8, 0xDAB2E692, 0xCD6D4365,
151  0xE5393514, 0x3AF345F0, 0x6241FC4D, 0x460DA3A3, 0x7BCF3729, 0x8BF1D1E0, 0x14AAC070, 0x1587ED55,
152  0x3AFD7D3E, 0xD2F29E01, 0x29A9D1F6, 0xEFB10C53, 0xCF3B870F, 0xB414935C, 0x664465ED, 0x024ACAC7,
153  0x59A744C1, 0x1D2936A7, 0xDC580AA6, 0xCF574CA8, 0x040A7A10, 0x6CD81807, 0x8A98BE4C, 0xACCEA063,
154  0xC33E92B5, 0xD1E0E03D, 0xB322517E, 0x2092BD13, 0x386B2C4A, 0x52E8DD58, 0x58656DFB, 0x50820371,
155  0x41811896, 0xE337EF7E, 0xD39FB119, 0xC97F0DF6, 0x68FEA01B, 0xA150A6E5, 0x55258962, 0xEB6FF41B,
156  0xD7C9CD7A, 0xA619CD9E, 0xBCF09576, 0x2672C073, 0xF003FB3C, 0x4AB7A50B, 0x1484126A, 0x487BA9B1,
157  0xA64FC9C6, 0xF6957D49, 0x38B06A75, 0xDD805FCD, 0x63D094CF, 0xF51C999E, 0x1AA4D343, 0xB8495294,
158  0xCE9F8E99, 0xBFFCD770, 0xC7C275CC, 0x378453A7, 0x7B21BE33, 0x397F41BD, 0x4E94D131, 0x92CC1F98,
159  0x5915EA51, 0x99F861B7, 0xC9980A88, 0x1D74FD5F, 0xB0A495F8, 0x614DEED0, 0xB5778EEA, 0x5941792D,
160  0xFA90C1F8, 0x33F824B4, 0xC4965372, 0x3FF6D550, 0x4CA5FEC0, 0x8630E964, 0x5B3FBBD6, 0x7DA26A48,
161  0xB203231A, 0x04297514, 0x2D639306, 0x2EB13149, 0x16A45272, 0x532459A0, 0x8E5F4872, 0xF966C7D9,
162  0x07128DC0, 0x0D44DB62, 0xAFC8D52D, 0x06316131, 0xD838E7CE, 0x1BC41D00, 0x3A2E8C0F, 0xEA83837E,
163  0xB984737D, 0x13BA4891, 0xC4F8B949, 0xA6D6ACB3, 0xA215CDCE, 0x8359838B, 0x6BD1AA31, 0xF579DD52,
164  0x21B93F93, 0xF5176781, 0x187DFDDE, 0xE94AEB76, 0x2B38FD54, 0x431DE1DA, 0xAB394825, 0x9AD3048F,
165  0xDFEA32AA, 0x659473E3, 0x623F7863, 0xF3346C59, 0xAB3AB685, 0x3346A90B, 0x6B56443E, 0xC6DE01F8,
166  0x8D421FC0, 0x9B0ED10C, 0x88F1A1E9, 0x54C1F029, 0x7DEAD57B, 0x8D7BA426, 0x4CF5178A, 0x551A7CCA,
167  0x1A9A5F08, 0xFCD651B9, 0x25605182, 0xE11FC6C3, 0xB6FD9676, 0x337B3027, 0xB7C8EB14, 0x9E5FD030,
168  0x6B57E354, 0xAD913CF7, 0x7E16688D, 0x58872A69, 0x2C2FC7DF, 0xE389CCC6, 0x30738DF1, 0x0824A734,
169  0xE1797A8B, 0xA4A8D57B, 0x5B5D193B, 0xC8A8309B, 0x73F9A978, 0x73398D32, 0x0F59573E, 0xE9DF2B03,
170  0xE8A5B6C8, 0x848D0704, 0x98DF93C2, 0x720A1DC3, 0x684F259A, 0x943BA848, 0xA6370152, 0x863B5EA3,
171  0xD17B978B, 0x6D9B58EF, 0x0A700DD4, 0xA73D36BF, 0x8E6A0829, 0x8695BC14, 0xE35B3447, 0x933AC568,
172  0x8894B022, 0x2F511C27, 0xDDFBCC3C, 0x006662B6, 0x117C83FE, 0x4E12B414, 0xC2BCA766, 0x3A2FEC10,
173  0xF4562420, 0x55792E2A, 0x46F5D857, 0xCEDA25CE, 0xC3601D3B, 0x6C00AB46, 0xEFAC9C28, 0xB3C35047,
174  0x611DFEE3, 0x257C3207, 0xFDD58482, 0x3B14D84F, 0x23BECB64, 0xA075F3A3, 0x088F8EAD, 0x07ADF158,
175  0x7796943C, 0xFACABF3D, 0xC09730CD, 0xF7679969, 0xDA44E9ED, 0x2C854C12, 0x35935FA3, 0x2F057D9F,
176  0x690624F8, 0x1CB0BAFD, 0x7B0DBDC6, 0x810F23BB, 0xFA929A1A, 0x6D969A17, 0x6742979B, 0x74AC7D05,
177  0x010E65C4, 0x86A3D963, 0xF907B5A0, 0xD0042BD3, 0x158D7D03, 0x287A8255, 0xBBA8366F, 0x096EDC33,
178  0x21916A7B, 0x77B56B86, 0x951622F9, 0xA6C5E650, 0x8CEA17D1, 0xCD8C62BC, 0xA3D63433, 0x358A68FD,
179  0x0F9B9D3C, 0xD6AA295B, 0xFE33384A, 0xC000738E, 0xCD67EB2F, 0xE2EB6DC2, 0x97338B02, 0x06C9F246,
180  0x419CF1AD, 0x2B83C045, 0x3723F18A, 0xCB5B3089, 0x160BEAD7, 0x5D494656, 0x35F8A74B, 0x1E4E6C9E,
181  0x000399BD, 0x67466880, 0xB4174831, 0xACF423B2, 0xCA815AB3, 0x5A6395E7, 0x302A67C5, 0x8BDB446B,
182  0x108F8FA4, 0x10223EDA, 0x92B8B48B, 0x7F38D0EE, 0xAB2701D4, 0x0262D415, 0xAF224A30, 0xB3D88ABA,
183  0xF8B2C3AF, 0xDAF7EF70, 0xCC97D3B7, 0xE9614B6C, 0x2BAEBFF4, 0x70F687CF, 0x386C9156, 0xCE092EE5,
184  0x01E87DA6, 0x6CE91E6A, 0xBB7BCC84, 0xC7922C20, 0x9D3B71FD, 0x060E41C6, 0xD7590F15, 0x4E03BB47,
185  0x183C198E, 0x63EEB240, 0x2DDBF49A, 0x6D5CBA54, 0x923750AF, 0xF9E14236, 0x7838162B, 0x59726C72,
186  0x81B66760, 0xBB2926C1, 0x48A0CE0D, 0xA6C0496D, 0xAD43507B, 0x718D496A, 0x9DF057AF, 0x44B1BDE6,
187  0x054356DC, 0xDE7CED35, 0xD51A138B, 0x62088CC9, 0x35830311, 0xC96EFCA2, 0x686F86EC, 0x8E77CB68,
188  0x63E1D6B8, 0xC80F9778, 0x79C491FD, 0x1B4C67F2, 0x72698D7D, 0x5E368C31, 0xF7D95E2E, 0xA1D3493F,
189  0xDCD9433E, 0x896F1552, 0x4BC4CA7A, 0xA6D1BAF4, 0xA5A96DCC, 0x0BEF8B46, 0xA169FDA7, 0x74DF40B7,
190  0x4E208804, 0x9A756607, 0x038E87C8, 0x20211E44, 0x8B7AD4BF, 0xC6403F35, 0x1848E36D, 0x80BDB038,
191  0x1E62891C, 0x643D2107, 0xBF04D6F8, 0x21092C8C, 0xF644F389, 0x0778404E, 0x7B78ADB8, 0xA2C52D53,
192  0x42157ABE, 0xA2253E2E, 0x7BF3F4AE, 0x80F594F9, 0x953194E7, 0x77EB92ED, 0xB3816930, 0xDA8D9336,
193  0xBF447469, 0xF26D9483, 0xEE6FAED5, 0x71371235, 0xDE425F73, 0xB4E59F43, 0x7DBE2D4E, 0x2D37B185,
194  0x49DC9A63, 0x98C39D98, 0x1301C9A2, 0x389B1BBF, 0x0C18588D, 0xA421C1BA, 0x7AA3865C, 0x71E08558,
195  0x3C5CFCAA, 0x7D239CA4, 0x0297D9DD, 0xD7DC2830, 0x4B37802B, 0x7428AB54, 0xAEEE0347, 0x4B3FBB85,
196  0x692F2F08, 0x134E578E, 0x36D9E0BF, 0xAE8B5FCF, 0xEDB93ECF, 0x2B27248E, 0x170EB1EF, 0x7DC57FD6,
197  0x1E760F16, 0xB1136601, 0x864E1B9B, 0xD7EA7319, 0x3AB871BD, 0xCFA4D76F, 0xE31BD782, 0x0DBEB469,
198  0xABB96061, 0x5370F85D, 0xFFB07E37, 0xDA30D0FB, 0xEBC977B6, 0x0B98B40F, 0x3A4D0FE6, 0xDF4FC26B,
199  0x159CF22A, 0xC298D6E2, 0x2B78EF6A, 0x61A94AC0, 0xAB561187, 0x14EEA0F0, 0xDF0D4164, 0x19AF70EE
200 };
202 //Common interface for encryption algorithms
204 {
205  "MARS",
206  sizeof(MarsContext),
210  NULL,
211  NULL,
215 };
218 /**
219  * @brief Key expansion
220  * @param[in] context Pointer to the MARS context to initialize
221  * @param[in] key Pointer to the key
222  * @param[in] keyLen Length of the key
223  * @return Error code
224  **/
226 error_t marsInit(MarsContext *context, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLen)
227 {
228  uint_t i;
229  uint_t j;
230  uint_t n;
231  uint32_t m;
232  uint32_t p;
233  uint32_t r;
234  uint32_t w;
235  uint32_t t1;
236  uint32_t t2;
237  uint32_t t[15];
239  //Check parameters
240  if(context == NULL || key == NULL)
243  //MARS has a variable key size from 128 to 448 bits in 32-bit increments
244  if(keyLen < 16 || keyLen > 56 || (keyLen % 4) != 0)
247  //Determine the number of 32-bit words in the key
248  n = keyLen / 4;
250  //Initialize T with the original key data
251  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
252  {
253  t[i] = LOAD32LE(key + i * 4);
254  }
256  //Let T[n] = n
257  t[i++] = n;
259  //Let T[n+1 ... 14] = 0
260  while(i < 15)
261  {
262  t[i++] = 0;
263  }
265  //Compute 10 words of K in each iteration
266  for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
267  {
268  //Save T[i-2] and T[i-1]
269  t1 = t[13];
270  t2 = t[14];
272  //Linear key-word expansion
273  for(i = 0; i < 15; i++)
274  {
275  t1 ^= t[(i + 8) % 15];
276  t[i] ^= ROL32(t1, 3) ^ (4 * i + j);
277  t1 = t2;
278  t2 = t[i];
279  }
281  //Repeat 4 rounds of stirring
282  for(n = 0; n < 4; n++)
283  {
284  //Save T[i-1]
285  t1 = t[14];
287  //S-box based stirring of key-words
288  for(i = 0; i < 15; i++)
289  {
290  t1 = t[i] + S(t1);
291  t[i] = ROL32(t1, 9);
292  t1 = t[i];
293  }
294  }
296  //Store next 10 key words into K
297  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
298  {
299  context->k[10 * j + i] = t[(4 * i) % 15];
300  }
301  }
303  //Modifying multiplication key-words
304  for(i = 5; i < 37; i += 2)
305  {
306  //Let j be the least two bits of K[i]
307  j = context->k[i] & 0x03;
308  //Let w = K[i] with both of the lowest two bits set to 1
309  w = context->k[i] | 0x03;
311  //Generate the word mask M
312  MASK_GEN(m, w);
314  //Let r be the least five bits of K[i-1]
315  r = context->k[i - 1] & 0x1F;
316  //Calculate p = B[j] <<< r
317  p = ROL32(btab[j], r);
318  //Calculate K[i] = w xor (p and M)
319  context->k[i] = w ^ (p & m);
320  }
322  //Successful initialization
323  return NO_ERROR;
324 }
327 /**
328  * @brief Encrypt a 16-byte block using MARS algorithm
329  * @param[in] context Pointer to the MARS context
330  * @param[in] input Plaintext block to encrypt
331  * @param[out] output Ciphertext block resulting from encryption
332  **/
334 void marsEncryptBlock(MarsContext *context, const uint8_t *input,
335  uint8_t *output)
336 {
337  uint32_t a;
338  uint32_t b;
339  uint32_t c;
340  uint32_t d;
342  //The 16 bytes of plaintext are split into 4 words
343  a = LOAD32LE(input);
344  b = LOAD32LE(input + 4);
345  c = LOAD32LE(input + 8);
346  d = LOAD32LE(input + 12);
348  //Compute (A,B,C,D) = (A,B,C,D) + (K[0],K[1],K[2],K[3])
349  a += context->k[0];
350  b += context->k[1];
351  c += context->k[2];
352  d += context->k[3];
354  //Forward mixing (8 rounds)
355  F_MIX(a, b, c, d);
356  a += d;
357  F_MIX(b, c, d, a);
358  b += c;
359  F_MIX(c, d, a, b);
360  F_MIX(d, a, b, c);
361  F_MIX(a, b, c, d);
362  a += d;
363  F_MIX(b, c, d, a);
364  b += c;
365  F_MIX(c, d, a, b);
366  F_MIX(d, a, b, c);
368  //Cryptographic core (16 rounds)
369  CORE(a, b, c, d, context->k[4], context->k[5]);
370  CORE(b, c, d, a, context->k[6], context->k[7]);
371  CORE(c, d, a, b, context->k[8], context->k[9]);
372  CORE(d, a, b, c, context->k[10], context->k[11]);
373  CORE(a, b, c, d, context->k[12], context->k[13]);
374  CORE(b, c, d, a, context->k[14], context->k[15]);
375  CORE(c, d, a, b, context->k[16], context->k[17]);
376  CORE(d, a, b, c, context->k[18], context->k[19]);
377  CORE(a, d, c, b, context->k[20], context->k[21]);
378  CORE(b, a, d, c, context->k[22], context->k[23]);
379  CORE(c, b, a, d, context->k[24], context->k[25]);
380  CORE(d, c, b, a, context->k[26], context->k[27]);
381  CORE(a, d, c, b, context->k[28], context->k[29]);
382  CORE(b, a, d, c, context->k[30], context->k[31]);
383  CORE(c, b, a, d, context->k[32], context->k[33]);
384  CORE(d, c, b, a, context->k[34], context->k[35]);
386  //Backwards mixing (8 rounds)
387  B_MIX(a, b, c, d);
388  B_MIX(b, c, d, a);
389  c -= b;
390  B_MIX(c, d, a, b);
391  d -= a;
392  B_MIX(d, a, b, c);
393  B_MIX(a, b, c, d);
394  B_MIX(b, c, d, a);
395  c -= b;
396  B_MIX(c, d, a, b);
397  d -= a;
398  B_MIX(d, a, b, c);
400  //Compute (A,B,C,D) = (A,B,C,D) - (K[36],K[37],K[38],K[39])
401  a -= context->k[36];
402  b -= context->k[37];
403  c -= context->k[38];
404  d -= context->k[39];
406  //The 4 words of ciphertext are then written as 16 bytes
407  STORE32LE(a, output);
408  STORE32LE(b, output + 4);
409  STORE32LE(c, output + 8);
410  STORE32LE(d, output + 12);
411 }
414 /**
415  * @brief Decrypt a 16-byte block using MARS algorithm
416  * @param[in] context Pointer to the MARS context
417  * @param[in] input Ciphertext block to decrypt
418  * @param[out] output Plaintext block resulting from decryption
419  **/
421 void marsDecryptBlock(MarsContext *context, const uint8_t *input,
422  uint8_t *output)
423 {
424  uint32_t d;
425  uint32_t c;
426  uint32_t b;
427  uint32_t a;
429  //The 16 bytes of ciphertext are split into 4 words
430  a = LOAD32LE(input);
431  b = LOAD32LE(input + 4);
432  c = LOAD32LE(input + 8);
433  d = LOAD32LE(input + 12);
435  //Compute (A,B,C,D) = (A,B,C,D) + (K[36],K[37],K[38],K[39])
436  a += context->k[36];
437  b += context->k[37];
438  c += context->k[38];
439  d += context->k[39];
441  //Forward mixing (8 rounds)
442  F_MIX(d, c, b, a);
443  d += a;
444  F_MIX(c, b, a, d);
445  c += b;
446  F_MIX(b, a, d, c);
447  F_MIX(a, d, c, b);
448  F_MIX(d, c, b, a);
449  d += a;
450  F_MIX(c, b, a, d);
451  c += b;
452  F_MIX(b, a, d, c);
453  F_MIX(a, d, c, b);
455  //Cryptographic core (16 rounds)
456  CORE_INV(d, c, b, a, context->k[34], context->k[35]);
457  CORE_INV(c, b, a, d, context->k[32], context->k[33]);
458  CORE_INV(b, a, d, c, context->k[30], context->k[31]);
459  CORE_INV(a, d, c, b, context->k[28], context->k[29]);
460  CORE_INV(d, c, b, a, context->k[26], context->k[27]);
461  CORE_INV(c, b, a, d, context->k[24], context->k[25]);
462  CORE_INV(b, a, d, c, context->k[22], context->k[23]);
463  CORE_INV(a, d, c, b, context->k[20], context->k[21]);
464  CORE_INV(d, a, b, c, context->k[18], context->k[19]);
465  CORE_INV(c, d, a, b, context->k[16], context->k[17]);
466  CORE_INV(b, c, d, a, context->k[14], context->k[15]);
467  CORE_INV(a, b, c, d, context->k[12], context->k[13]);
468  CORE_INV(d, a, b, c, context->k[10], context->k[11]);
469  CORE_INV(c, d, a, b, context->k[8], context->k[9]);
470  CORE_INV(b, c, d, a, context->k[6], context->k[7]);
471  CORE_INV(a, b, c, d, context->k[4], context->k[5]);
473  //Backwards mixing (8 rounds)
474  B_MIX(d, c, b, a);
475  B_MIX(c, b, a, d);
476  b -= c;
477  B_MIX(b, a, d, c);
478  a -= d;
479  B_MIX(a, d, c, b);
480  B_MIX(d, c, b, a);
481  B_MIX(c, b, a, d);
482  b -= c;
483  B_MIX(b, a, d, c);
484  a -= d;
485  B_MIX(a, d, c, b);
487  //Compute (A,B,C,D) = (A,B,C,D) - (K[0],K[1],K[2],K[3])
488  a -= context->k[0];
489  b -= context->k[1];
490  c -= context->k[2];
491  d -= context->k[3];
493  //The 4 words of plaintext are then written as 16 bytes
494  STORE32LE(a, output);
495  STORE32LE(b, output + 4);
496  STORE32LE(c, output + 8);
497  STORE32LE(d, output + 12);
498 }
501 /**
502  * @brief Release MARS context
503  * @param[in] context Pointer to the MARS context
504  **/
506 void marsDeinit(MarsContext *context)
507 {
508  //Clear MARS context
509  osMemset(context, 0, sizeof(MarsContext));
510 }
512 #endif
uint8_t b
Definition: nbns_common.h:104
uint8_t a
Definition: ndp.h:411
void(* CipherAlgoEncryptBlock)(void *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Definition: crypto.h:1045
uint8_t p
Definition: ndp.h:300
Definition: crypto.h:988
uint8_t t
Definition: lldp_ext_med.h:212
#define STORE32LE(a, p)
Definition: cpu_endian.h:279
#define S(n)
Definition: mars.c:42
uint8_t r
Definition: ndp.h:346
#define CORE(a, b, c, d, k1, k2)
Definition: mars.c:75
Definition: mars.h:38
Invalid parameter.
Definition: error.h:47
#define CORE_INV(a, b, c, d, k1, k2)
Definition: mars.c:93
Error codes.
Definition: error.h:43
void(* CipherAlgoDecryptBlock)(void *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Definition: crypto.h:1048
Definition: error.h:107
#define F_MIX(a, b, c, d)
Definition: mars.c:49
General definitions for cryptographic algorithms.
#define B_MIX(a, b, c, d)
Definition: mars.c:62
uint32_t t2
void marsDecryptBlock(MarsContext *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Decrypt a 16-byte block using MARS algorithm.
Definition: mars.c:421
error_t(* CipherAlgoInit)(void *context, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLen)
Definition: crypto.h:1036
void marsEncryptBlock(MarsContext *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Encrypt a 16-byte block using MARS algorithm.
Definition: mars.c:334
void marsDeinit(MarsContext *context)
Release MARS context.
Definition: mars.c:506
#define ROL32(a, n)
Definition: crypto.h:832
uint32_t t1
uint8_t m
Definition: ndp.h:304
uint8_t n
MARS algorithm context.
Definition: mars.h:53
uint32_t k[40]
Definition: mars.h:54
MARS encryption algorithm.
Common interface for encryption algorithms.
Definition: crypto.h:1104
#define MASK_GEN(m, w)
Definition: mars.c:111
#define LOAD32LE(p)
Definition: cpu_endian.h:203
unsigned int uint_t
Definition: compiler_port.h:57
#define osMemset(p, value, length)
Definition: os_port.h:138
void(* CipherAlgoDeinit)(void *context)
Definition: crypto.h:1051
error_t marsInit(MarsContext *context, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLen)
Key expansion.
Definition: mars.c:226
Definition: error.h:44
uint8_t c
Definition: ndp.h:514
const CipherAlgo marsCipherAlgo
Definition: mars.c:203