Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file seed.c
3  * @brief SEED encryption algorithm
4  *
5  * @section License
6  *
7  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2010-2025 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
10  *
11  * This file is part of CycloneCRYPTO Open.
12  *
13  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
15  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
16  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17  *
18  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21  * GNU General Public License for more details.
22  *
23  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
25  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26  *
27  * @section Description
28  *
29  * SEED is a 128-bit symmetric key block cipher. Refer to RFC 4269
30  *
31  * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (
32  * @version 2.5.0
33  **/
35 //Switch to the appropriate trace level
38 //Dependencies
39 #include "core/crypto.h"
40 #include "cipher/seed.h"
41 #include "debug.h"
43 //Check crypto library configuration
46 //Function G
47 #define G(x) (ss0[(x) & 0xFF] ^ ss1[((x) >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ ss2[((x) >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ ss3[((x) >> 24) & 0xFF])
49 //Round function F
50 #define F(k0, k1, r0, r1, t0, t1) \
51 { \
52  t1 = (r0 ^ k0) ^ (r1 ^ k1); \
53  t1 = G(t1); \
54  t0 = t1 + (r0 ^ k0); \
55  t0 = G(t0); \
56  t1 += t0; \
57  t1 = G(t1); \
58  t0 += t1; \
59 }
61 //Key schedule constants
62 static const uint32_t kc[16] =
63 {
64  0x9E3779B9, 0x3C6EF373, 0x78DDE6E6, 0xF1BBCDCC,
65  0xE3779B99, 0xC6EF3733, 0x8DDE6E67, 0x1BBCDCCF,
66  0x3779B99E, 0x6EF3733C, 0xDDE6E678, 0xBBCDCCF1,
67  0x779B99E3, 0xEF3733C6, 0xDE6E678D, 0xBCDCCF1B
68 };
70 //S-Box SS0
71 static const uint32_t ss0[256] =
72 {
73  0x2989A1A8, 0x05858184, 0x16C6D2D4, 0x13C3D3D0, 0x14445054, 0x1D0D111C, 0x2C8CA0AC, 0x25052124,
74  0x1D4D515C, 0x03434340, 0x18081018, 0x1E0E121C, 0x11415150, 0x3CCCF0FC, 0x0ACAC2C8, 0x23436360,
75  0x28082028, 0x04444044, 0x20002020, 0x1D8D919C, 0x20C0E0E0, 0x22C2E2E0, 0x08C8C0C8, 0x17071314,
76  0x2585A1A4, 0x0F8F838C, 0x03030300, 0x3B4B7378, 0x3B8BB3B8, 0x13031310, 0x12C2D2D0, 0x2ECEE2EC,
77  0x30407070, 0x0C8C808C, 0x3F0F333C, 0x2888A0A8, 0x32023230, 0x1DCDD1DC, 0x36C6F2F4, 0x34447074,
78  0x2CCCE0EC, 0x15859194, 0x0B0B0308, 0x17475354, 0x1C4C505C, 0x1B4B5358, 0x3D8DB1BC, 0x01010100,
79  0x24042024, 0x1C0C101C, 0x33437370, 0x18889098, 0x10001010, 0x0CCCC0CC, 0x32C2F2F0, 0x19C9D1D8,
80  0x2C0C202C, 0x27C7E3E4, 0x32427270, 0x03838380, 0x1B8B9398, 0x11C1D1D0, 0x06868284, 0x09C9C1C8,
81  0x20406060, 0x10405050, 0x2383A3A0, 0x2BCBE3E8, 0x0D0D010C, 0x3686B2B4, 0x1E8E929C, 0x0F4F434C,
82  0x3787B3B4, 0x1A4A5258, 0x06C6C2C4, 0x38487078, 0x2686A2A4, 0x12021210, 0x2F8FA3AC, 0x15C5D1D4,
83  0x21416160, 0x03C3C3C0, 0x3484B0B4, 0x01414140, 0x12425250, 0x3D4D717C, 0x0D8D818C, 0x08080008,
84  0x1F0F131C, 0x19899198, 0x00000000, 0x19091118, 0x04040004, 0x13435350, 0x37C7F3F4, 0x21C1E1E0,
85  0x3DCDF1FC, 0x36467274, 0x2F0F232C, 0x27072324, 0x3080B0B0, 0x0B8B8388, 0x0E0E020C, 0x2B8BA3A8,
86  0x2282A2A0, 0x2E4E626C, 0x13839390, 0x0D4D414C, 0x29496168, 0x3C4C707C, 0x09090108, 0x0A0A0208,
87  0x3F8FB3BC, 0x2FCFE3EC, 0x33C3F3F0, 0x05C5C1C4, 0x07878384, 0x14041014, 0x3ECEF2FC, 0x24446064,
88  0x1ECED2DC, 0x2E0E222C, 0x0B4B4348, 0x1A0A1218, 0x06060204, 0x21012120, 0x2B4B6368, 0x26466264,
89  0x02020200, 0x35C5F1F4, 0x12829290, 0x0A8A8288, 0x0C0C000C, 0x3383B3B0, 0x3E4E727C, 0x10C0D0D0,
90  0x3A4A7278, 0x07474344, 0x16869294, 0x25C5E1E4, 0x26062224, 0x00808080, 0x2D8DA1AC, 0x1FCFD3DC,
91  0x2181A1A0, 0x30003030, 0x37073334, 0x2E8EA2AC, 0x36063234, 0x15051114, 0x22022220, 0x38083038,
92  0x34C4F0F4, 0x2787A3A4, 0x05454144, 0x0C4C404C, 0x01818180, 0x29C9E1E8, 0x04848084, 0x17879394,
93  0x35053134, 0x0BCBC3C8, 0x0ECEC2CC, 0x3C0C303C, 0x31417170, 0x11011110, 0x07C7C3C4, 0x09898188,
94  0x35457174, 0x3BCBF3F8, 0x1ACAD2D8, 0x38C8F0F8, 0x14849094, 0x19495158, 0x02828280, 0x04C4C0C4,
95  0x3FCFF3FC, 0x09494148, 0x39093138, 0x27476364, 0x00C0C0C0, 0x0FCFC3CC, 0x17C7D3D4, 0x3888B0B8,
96  0x0F0F030C, 0x0E8E828C, 0x02424240, 0x23032320, 0x11819190, 0x2C4C606C, 0x1BCBD3D8, 0x2484A0A4,
97  0x34043034, 0x31C1F1F0, 0x08484048, 0x02C2C2C0, 0x2F4F636C, 0x3D0D313C, 0x2D0D212C, 0x00404040,
98  0x3E8EB2BC, 0x3E0E323C, 0x3C8CB0BC, 0x01C1C1C0, 0x2A8AA2A8, 0x3A8AB2B8, 0x0E4E424C, 0x15455154,
99  0x3B0B3338, 0x1CCCD0DC, 0x28486068, 0x3F4F737C, 0x1C8C909C, 0x18C8D0D8, 0x0A4A4248, 0x16465254,
100  0x37477374, 0x2080A0A0, 0x2DCDE1EC, 0x06464244, 0x3585B1B4, 0x2B0B2328, 0x25456164, 0x3ACAF2F8,
101  0x23C3E3E0, 0x3989B1B8, 0x3181B1B0, 0x1F8F939C, 0x1E4E525C, 0x39C9F1F8, 0x26C6E2E4, 0x3282B2B0,
102  0x31013130, 0x2ACAE2E8, 0x2D4D616C, 0x1F4F535C, 0x24C4E0E4, 0x30C0F0F0, 0x0DCDC1CC, 0x08888088,
103  0x16061214, 0x3A0A3238, 0x18485058, 0x14C4D0D4, 0x22426260, 0x29092128, 0x07070304, 0x33033330,
104  0x28C8E0E8, 0x1B0B1318, 0x05050104, 0x39497178, 0x10809090, 0x2A4A6268, 0x2A0A2228, 0x1A8A9298
105 };
107 //S-Box SS1
108 static const uint32_t ss1[256] =
109 {
110  0x38380830, 0xE828C8E0, 0x2C2D0D21, 0xA42686A2, 0xCC0FCFC3, 0xDC1ECED2, 0xB03383B3, 0xB83888B0,
111  0xAC2F8FA3, 0x60204060, 0x54154551, 0xC407C7C3, 0x44044440, 0x6C2F4F63, 0x682B4B63, 0x581B4B53,
112  0xC003C3C3, 0x60224262, 0x30330333, 0xB43585B1, 0x28290921, 0xA02080A0, 0xE022C2E2, 0xA42787A3,
113  0xD013C3D3, 0x90118191, 0x10110111, 0x04060602, 0x1C1C0C10, 0xBC3C8CB0, 0x34360632, 0x480B4B43,
114  0xEC2FCFE3, 0x88088880, 0x6C2C4C60, 0xA82888A0, 0x14170713, 0xC404C4C0, 0x14160612, 0xF434C4F0,
115  0xC002C2C2, 0x44054541, 0xE021C1E1, 0xD416C6D2, 0x3C3F0F33, 0x3C3D0D31, 0x8C0E8E82, 0x98188890,
116  0x28280820, 0x4C0E4E42, 0xF436C6F2, 0x3C3E0E32, 0xA42585A1, 0xF839C9F1, 0x0C0D0D01, 0xDC1FCFD3,
117  0xD818C8D0, 0x282B0B23, 0x64264662, 0x783A4A72, 0x24270723, 0x2C2F0F23, 0xF031C1F1, 0x70324272,
118  0x40024242, 0xD414C4D0, 0x40014141, 0xC000C0C0, 0x70334373, 0x64274763, 0xAC2C8CA0, 0x880B8B83,
119  0xF437C7F3, 0xAC2D8DA1, 0x80008080, 0x1C1F0F13, 0xC80ACAC2, 0x2C2C0C20, 0xA82A8AA2, 0x34340430,
120  0xD012C2D2, 0x080B0B03, 0xEC2ECEE2, 0xE829C9E1, 0x5C1D4D51, 0x94148490, 0x18180810, 0xF838C8F0,
121  0x54174753, 0xAC2E8EA2, 0x08080800, 0xC405C5C1, 0x10130313, 0xCC0DCDC1, 0x84068682, 0xB83989B1,
122  0xFC3FCFF3, 0x7C3D4D71, 0xC001C1C1, 0x30310131, 0xF435C5F1, 0x880A8A82, 0x682A4A62, 0xB03181B1,
123  0xD011C1D1, 0x20200020, 0xD417C7D3, 0x00020202, 0x20220222, 0x04040400, 0x68284860, 0x70314171,
124  0x04070703, 0xD81BCBD3, 0x9C1D8D91, 0x98198991, 0x60214161, 0xBC3E8EB2, 0xE426C6E2, 0x58194951,
125  0xDC1DCDD1, 0x50114151, 0x90108090, 0xDC1CCCD0, 0x981A8A92, 0xA02383A3, 0xA82B8BA3, 0xD010C0D0,
126  0x80018181, 0x0C0F0F03, 0x44074743, 0x181A0A12, 0xE023C3E3, 0xEC2CCCE0, 0x8C0D8D81, 0xBC3F8FB3,
127  0x94168692, 0x783B4B73, 0x5C1C4C50, 0xA02282A2, 0xA02181A1, 0x60234363, 0x20230323, 0x4C0D4D41,
128  0xC808C8C0, 0x9C1E8E92, 0x9C1C8C90, 0x383A0A32, 0x0C0C0C00, 0x2C2E0E22, 0xB83A8AB2, 0x6C2E4E62,
129  0x9C1F8F93, 0x581A4A52, 0xF032C2F2, 0x90128292, 0xF033C3F3, 0x48094941, 0x78384870, 0xCC0CCCC0,
130  0x14150511, 0xF83BCBF3, 0x70304070, 0x74354571, 0x7C3F4F73, 0x34350531, 0x10100010, 0x00030303,
131  0x64244460, 0x6C2D4D61, 0xC406C6C2, 0x74344470, 0xD415C5D1, 0xB43484B0, 0xE82ACAE2, 0x08090901,
132  0x74364672, 0x18190911, 0xFC3ECEF2, 0x40004040, 0x10120212, 0xE020C0E0, 0xBC3D8DB1, 0x04050501,
133  0xF83ACAF2, 0x00010101, 0xF030C0F0, 0x282A0A22, 0x5C1E4E52, 0xA82989A1, 0x54164652, 0x40034343,
134  0x84058581, 0x14140410, 0x88098981, 0x981B8B93, 0xB03080B0, 0xE425C5E1, 0x48084840, 0x78394971,
135  0x94178793, 0xFC3CCCF0, 0x1C1E0E12, 0x80028282, 0x20210121, 0x8C0C8C80, 0x181B0B13, 0x5C1F4F53,
136  0x74374773, 0x54144450, 0xB03282B2, 0x1C1D0D11, 0x24250521, 0x4C0F4F43, 0x00000000, 0x44064642,
137  0xEC2DCDE1, 0x58184850, 0x50124252, 0xE82BCBE3, 0x7C3E4E72, 0xD81ACAD2, 0xC809C9C1, 0xFC3DCDF1,
138  0x30300030, 0x94158591, 0x64254561, 0x3C3C0C30, 0xB43686B2, 0xE424C4E0, 0xB83B8BB3, 0x7C3C4C70,
139  0x0C0E0E02, 0x50104050, 0x38390931, 0x24260622, 0x30320232, 0x84048480, 0x68294961, 0x90138393,
140  0x34370733, 0xE427C7E3, 0x24240420, 0xA42484A0, 0xC80BCBC3, 0x50134353, 0x080A0A02, 0x84078783,
141  0xD819C9D1, 0x4C0C4C40, 0x80038383, 0x8C0F8F83, 0xCC0ECEC2, 0x383B0B33, 0x480A4A42, 0xB43787B3
142 };
144 //S-Box SS2
145 static const uint32_t ss2[256] =
146 {
147  0xA1A82989, 0x81840585, 0xD2D416C6, 0xD3D013C3, 0x50541444, 0x111C1D0D, 0xA0AC2C8C, 0x21242505,
148  0x515C1D4D, 0x43400343, 0x10181808, 0x121C1E0E, 0x51501141, 0xF0FC3CCC, 0xC2C80ACA, 0x63602343,
149  0x20282808, 0x40440444, 0x20202000, 0x919C1D8D, 0xE0E020C0, 0xE2E022C2, 0xC0C808C8, 0x13141707,
150  0xA1A42585, 0x838C0F8F, 0x03000303, 0x73783B4B, 0xB3B83B8B, 0x13101303, 0xD2D012C2, 0xE2EC2ECE,
151  0x70703040, 0x808C0C8C, 0x333C3F0F, 0xA0A82888, 0x32303202, 0xD1DC1DCD, 0xF2F436C6, 0x70743444,
152  0xE0EC2CCC, 0x91941585, 0x03080B0B, 0x53541747, 0x505C1C4C, 0x53581B4B, 0xB1BC3D8D, 0x01000101,
153  0x20242404, 0x101C1C0C, 0x73703343, 0x90981888, 0x10101000, 0xC0CC0CCC, 0xF2F032C2, 0xD1D819C9,
154  0x202C2C0C, 0xE3E427C7, 0x72703242, 0x83800383, 0x93981B8B, 0xD1D011C1, 0x82840686, 0xC1C809C9,
155  0x60602040, 0x50501040, 0xA3A02383, 0xE3E82BCB, 0x010C0D0D, 0xB2B43686, 0x929C1E8E, 0x434C0F4F,
156  0xB3B43787, 0x52581A4A, 0xC2C406C6, 0x70783848, 0xA2A42686, 0x12101202, 0xA3AC2F8F, 0xD1D415C5,
157  0x61602141, 0xC3C003C3, 0xB0B43484, 0x41400141, 0x52501242, 0x717C3D4D, 0x818C0D8D, 0x00080808,
158  0x131C1F0F, 0x91981989, 0x00000000, 0x11181909, 0x00040404, 0x53501343, 0xF3F437C7, 0xE1E021C1,
159  0xF1FC3DCD, 0x72743646, 0x232C2F0F, 0x23242707, 0xB0B03080, 0x83880B8B, 0x020C0E0E, 0xA3A82B8B,
160  0xA2A02282, 0x626C2E4E, 0x93901383, 0x414C0D4D, 0x61682949, 0x707C3C4C, 0x01080909, 0x02080A0A,
161  0xB3BC3F8F, 0xE3EC2FCF, 0xF3F033C3, 0xC1C405C5, 0x83840787, 0x10141404, 0xF2FC3ECE, 0x60642444,
162  0xD2DC1ECE, 0x222C2E0E, 0x43480B4B, 0x12181A0A, 0x02040606, 0x21202101, 0x63682B4B, 0x62642646,
163  0x02000202, 0xF1F435C5, 0x92901282, 0x82880A8A, 0x000C0C0C, 0xB3B03383, 0x727C3E4E, 0xD0D010C0,
164  0x72783A4A, 0x43440747, 0x92941686, 0xE1E425C5, 0x22242606, 0x80800080, 0xA1AC2D8D, 0xD3DC1FCF,
165  0xA1A02181, 0x30303000, 0x33343707, 0xA2AC2E8E, 0x32343606, 0x11141505, 0x22202202, 0x30383808,
166  0xF0F434C4, 0xA3A42787, 0x41440545, 0x404C0C4C, 0x81800181, 0xE1E829C9, 0x80840484, 0x93941787,
167  0x31343505, 0xC3C80BCB, 0xC2CC0ECE, 0x303C3C0C, 0x71703141, 0x11101101, 0xC3C407C7, 0x81880989,
168  0x71743545, 0xF3F83BCB, 0xD2D81ACA, 0xF0F838C8, 0x90941484, 0x51581949, 0x82800282, 0xC0C404C4,
169  0xF3FC3FCF, 0x41480949, 0x31383909, 0x63642747, 0xC0C000C0, 0xC3CC0FCF, 0xD3D417C7, 0xB0B83888,
170  0x030C0F0F, 0x828C0E8E, 0x42400242, 0x23202303, 0x91901181, 0x606C2C4C, 0xD3D81BCB, 0xA0A42484,
171  0x30343404, 0xF1F031C1, 0x40480848, 0xC2C002C2, 0x636C2F4F, 0x313C3D0D, 0x212C2D0D, 0x40400040,
172  0xB2BC3E8E, 0x323C3E0E, 0xB0BC3C8C, 0xC1C001C1, 0xA2A82A8A, 0xB2B83A8A, 0x424C0E4E, 0x51541545,
173  0x33383B0B, 0xD0DC1CCC, 0x60682848, 0x737C3F4F, 0x909C1C8C, 0xD0D818C8, 0x42480A4A, 0x52541646,
174  0x73743747, 0xA0A02080, 0xE1EC2DCD, 0x42440646, 0xB1B43585, 0x23282B0B, 0x61642545, 0xF2F83ACA,
175  0xE3E023C3, 0xB1B83989, 0xB1B03181, 0x939C1F8F, 0x525C1E4E, 0xF1F839C9, 0xE2E426C6, 0xB2B03282,
176  0x31303101, 0xE2E82ACA, 0x616C2D4D, 0x535C1F4F, 0xE0E424C4, 0xF0F030C0, 0xC1CC0DCD, 0x80880888,
177  0x12141606, 0x32383A0A, 0x50581848, 0xD0D414C4, 0x62602242, 0x21282909, 0x03040707, 0x33303303,
178  0xE0E828C8, 0x13181B0B, 0x01040505, 0x71783949, 0x90901080, 0x62682A4A, 0x22282A0A, 0x92981A8A
179 };
181 //S-Box SS3
182 static const uint32_t ss3[256] =
183 {
184  0x08303838, 0xC8E0E828, 0x0D212C2D, 0x86A2A426, 0xCFC3CC0F, 0xCED2DC1E, 0x83B3B033, 0x88B0B838,
185  0x8FA3AC2F, 0x40606020, 0x45515415, 0xC7C3C407, 0x44404404, 0x4F636C2F, 0x4B63682B, 0x4B53581B,
186  0xC3C3C003, 0x42626022, 0x03333033, 0x85B1B435, 0x09212829, 0x80A0A020, 0xC2E2E022, 0x87A3A427,
187  0xC3D3D013, 0x81919011, 0x01111011, 0x06020406, 0x0C101C1C, 0x8CB0BC3C, 0x06323436, 0x4B43480B,
188  0xCFE3EC2F, 0x88808808, 0x4C606C2C, 0x88A0A828, 0x07131417, 0xC4C0C404, 0x06121416, 0xC4F0F434,
189  0xC2C2C002, 0x45414405, 0xC1E1E021, 0xC6D2D416, 0x0F333C3F, 0x0D313C3D, 0x8E828C0E, 0x88909818,
190  0x08202828, 0x4E424C0E, 0xC6F2F436, 0x0E323C3E, 0x85A1A425, 0xC9F1F839, 0x0D010C0D, 0xCFD3DC1F,
191  0xC8D0D818, 0x0B23282B, 0x46626426, 0x4A72783A, 0x07232427, 0x0F232C2F, 0xC1F1F031, 0x42727032,
192  0x42424002, 0xC4D0D414, 0x41414001, 0xC0C0C000, 0x43737033, 0x47636427, 0x8CA0AC2C, 0x8B83880B,
193  0xC7F3F437, 0x8DA1AC2D, 0x80808000, 0x0F131C1F, 0xCAC2C80A, 0x0C202C2C, 0x8AA2A82A, 0x04303434,
194  0xC2D2D012, 0x0B03080B, 0xCEE2EC2E, 0xC9E1E829, 0x4D515C1D, 0x84909414, 0x08101818, 0xC8F0F838,
195  0x47535417, 0x8EA2AC2E, 0x08000808, 0xC5C1C405, 0x03131013, 0xCDC1CC0D, 0x86828406, 0x89B1B839,
196  0xCFF3FC3F, 0x4D717C3D, 0xC1C1C001, 0x01313031, 0xC5F1F435, 0x8A82880A, 0x4A62682A, 0x81B1B031,
197  0xC1D1D011, 0x00202020, 0xC7D3D417, 0x02020002, 0x02222022, 0x04000404, 0x48606828, 0x41717031,
198  0x07030407, 0xCBD3D81B, 0x8D919C1D, 0x89919819, 0x41616021, 0x8EB2BC3E, 0xC6E2E426, 0x49515819,
199  0xCDD1DC1D, 0x41515011, 0x80909010, 0xCCD0DC1C, 0x8A92981A, 0x83A3A023, 0x8BA3A82B, 0xC0D0D010,
200  0x81818001, 0x0F030C0F, 0x47434407, 0x0A12181A, 0xC3E3E023, 0xCCE0EC2C, 0x8D818C0D, 0x8FB3BC3F,
201  0x86929416, 0x4B73783B, 0x4C505C1C, 0x82A2A022, 0x81A1A021, 0x43636023, 0x03232023, 0x4D414C0D,
202  0xC8C0C808, 0x8E929C1E, 0x8C909C1C, 0x0A32383A, 0x0C000C0C, 0x0E222C2E, 0x8AB2B83A, 0x4E626C2E,
203  0x8F939C1F, 0x4A52581A, 0xC2F2F032, 0x82929012, 0xC3F3F033, 0x49414809, 0x48707838, 0xCCC0CC0C,
204  0x05111415, 0xCBF3F83B, 0x40707030, 0x45717435, 0x4F737C3F, 0x05313435, 0x00101010, 0x03030003,
205  0x44606424, 0x4D616C2D, 0xC6C2C406, 0x44707434, 0xC5D1D415, 0x84B0B434, 0xCAE2E82A, 0x09010809,
206  0x46727436, 0x09111819, 0xCEF2FC3E, 0x40404000, 0x02121012, 0xC0E0E020, 0x8DB1BC3D, 0x05010405,
207  0xCAF2F83A, 0x01010001, 0xC0F0F030, 0x0A22282A, 0x4E525C1E, 0x89A1A829, 0x46525416, 0x43434003,
208  0x85818405, 0x04101414, 0x89818809, 0x8B93981B, 0x80B0B030, 0xC5E1E425, 0x48404808, 0x49717839,
209  0x87939417, 0xCCF0FC3C, 0x0E121C1E, 0x82828002, 0x01212021, 0x8C808C0C, 0x0B13181B, 0x4F535C1F,
210  0x47737437, 0x44505414, 0x82B2B032, 0x0D111C1D, 0x05212425, 0x4F434C0F, 0x00000000, 0x46424406,
211  0xCDE1EC2D, 0x48505818, 0x42525012, 0xCBE3E82B, 0x4E727C3E, 0xCAD2D81A, 0xC9C1C809, 0xCDF1FC3D,
212  0x00303030, 0x85919415, 0x45616425, 0x0C303C3C, 0x86B2B436, 0xC4E0E424, 0x8BB3B83B, 0x4C707C3C,
213  0x0E020C0E, 0x40505010, 0x09313839, 0x06222426, 0x02323032, 0x84808404, 0x49616829, 0x83939013,
214  0x07333437, 0xC7E3E427, 0x04202424, 0x84A0A424, 0xCBC3C80B, 0x43535013, 0x0A02080A, 0x87838407,
215  0xC9D1D819, 0x4C404C0C, 0x83838003, 0x8F838C0F, 0xCEC2CC0E, 0x0B33383B, 0x4A42480A, 0x87B3B437
216 };
218 //Common interface for encryption algorithms
220 {
221  "SEED",
222  sizeof(SeedContext),
226  NULL,
227  NULL,
231 };
234 /**
235  * @brief Initialize a SEED context using the supplied key
236  * @param[in] context Pointer to the SEED context to initialize
237  * @param[in] key Pointer to the key
238  * @param[in] keyLen Length of the key
239  * @return Error code
240  **/
242 error_t seedInit(SeedContext *context, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLen)
243 {
244  uint_t i;
245  uint32_t t;
246  uint32_t key0;
247  uint32_t key1;
248  uint32_t key2;
249  uint32_t key3;
251  //Check parameters
252  if(context == NULL || key == NULL)
255  //Invalid key length?
256  if(keyLen != 16)
259  //The 128-bit input key is divided into four 32-bit blocks
260  key0 = LOAD32BE(key);
261  key1 = LOAD32BE(key + 4);
262  key2 = LOAD32BE(key + 8);
263  key3 = LOAD32BE(key + 12);
265  //Apply 16 rounds
266  for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
267  {
268  t = key0 + key2 - kc[i];
269  context->ks[2 * i] = G(t);
270  t = key1 - key3 + kc[i];
271  context->ks[2 * i + 1] = G(t);
273  //Odd or even round?
274  if((i % 2) != 0)
275  {
276  t = (key3 << 8) | (key2 >> 24);
277  key2 = (key2 << 8) | (key3 >> 24);
278  key3 = t;
279  }
280  else
281  {
282  t = (key1 >> 8) | (key0 << 24);
283  key0 = (key0 >> 8) | (key1 << 24);
284  key1 = t;
285  }
286  }
288  //Successful initialization
289  return NO_ERROR;
290 }
293 /**
294  * @brief Encrypt a 16-byte block using SEED algorithm
295  * @param[in] context Pointer to the SEED context
296  * @param[in] input Plaintext block to encrypt
297  * @param[out] output Ciphertext block resulting from encryption
298  **/
300 void seedEncryptBlock(SeedContext *context, const uint8_t *input,
301  uint8_t *output)
302 {
303  uint_t i;
304  uint32_t t0;
305  uint32_t t1;
306  uint32_t *ks;
308  //The 128-bit input is divided into two 64-bit blocks (L and R)
309  uint32_t l0 = LOAD32BE(input);
310  uint32_t l1 = LOAD32BE(input + 4);
311  uint32_t r0 = LOAD32BE(input + 8);
312  uint32_t r1 = LOAD32BE(input + 12);
314  //The key schedule must be applied in ascending order
315  ks = context->ks;
317  //Perform 16 rounds
318  for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
319  {
320  //Apply function F
321  F(ks[0], ks[1], r0, r1, t0, t1);
323  t0 ^= l0;
324  t1 ^= l1;
325  l0 = r0;
326  l1 = r1;
327  r0 = t0;
328  r1 = t1;
330  //Advance current location in key schedule
331  ks += 2;
332  }
334  //The resulting value is the ciphertext
335  STORE32BE(r0, output);
336  STORE32BE(r1, output + 4);
337  STORE32BE(l0, output + 8);
338  STORE32BE(l1, output + 12);
339 }
342 /**
343  * @brief Decrypt a 16-byte block using SEED algorithm
344  * @param[in] context Pointer to the SEED context
345  * @param[in] input Ciphertext block to decrypt
346  * @param[out] output Plaintext block resulting from decryption
347  **/
349 void seedDecryptBlock(SeedContext *context, const uint8_t *input,
350  uint8_t *output)
351 {
352  uint_t i;
353  uint32_t t0;
354  uint32_t t1;
355  uint32_t *ks;
357  //The 128-bit input is divided into two 64-bit blocks (L and R)
358  uint32_t l0 = LOAD32BE(input);
359  uint32_t l1 = LOAD32BE(input + 4);
360  uint32_t r0 = LOAD32BE(input + 8);
361  uint32_t r1 = LOAD32BE(input + 12);
363  //The key schedule must be applied in reverse order
364  ks = context->ks + 30;
366  //Perform 16 rounds
367  for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
368  {
369  //Apply function F
370  F(ks[0], ks[1], r0, r1, t0, t1);
372  t0 ^= l0;
373  t1 ^= l1;
374  l0 = r0;
375  l1 = r1;
376  r0 = t0;
377  r1 = t1;
379  //Advance current location in key schedule
380  ks -= 2;
381  }
383  //The resulting value is the plaintext
384  STORE32BE(r0, output);
385  STORE32BE(r1, output + 4);
386  STORE32BE(l0, output + 8);
387  STORE32BE(l1, output + 12);
388 }
391 /**
392  * @brief Release SEED context
393  * @param[in] context Pointer to the SEED context
394  **/
396 void seedDeinit(SeedContext *context)
397 {
398  //Clear SEED context
399  osMemset(context, 0, sizeof(SeedContext));
400 }
402 #endif
void(* CipherAlgoEncryptBlock)(void *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Definition: crypto.h:1045
#define LOAD32BE(p)
Definition: cpu_endian.h:210
Definition: crypto.h:988
uint8_t t
Definition: lldp_ext_med.h:212
const CipherAlgo seedCipherAlgo
Definition: seed.c:219
error_t seedInit(SeedContext *context, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLen)
Initialize a SEED context using the supplied key.
Definition: seed.c:242
Invalid parameter.
Definition: error.h:47
Error codes.
Definition: error.h:43
SEED algorithm context.
Definition: seed.h:53
void(* CipherAlgoDecryptBlock)(void *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Definition: crypto.h:1048
Definition: error.h:107
General definitions for cryptographic algorithms.
SEED encryption algorithm.
void seedDeinit(SeedContext *context)
Release SEED context.
Definition: seed.c:396
error_t(* CipherAlgoInit)(void *context, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLen)
Definition: crypto.h:1036
Definition: seed.h:38
uint32_t t1
void seedEncryptBlock(SeedContext *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Encrypt a 16-byte block using SEED algorithm.
Definition: seed.c:300
Common interface for encryption algorithms.
Definition: crypto.h:1104
void seedDecryptBlock(SeedContext *context, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output)
Decrypt a 16-byte block using SEED algorithm.
Definition: seed.c:349
#define F(k0, k1, r0, r1, t0, t1)
Definition: seed.c:50
#define G(x)
Definition: seed.c:47
unsigned int uint_t
Definition: compiler_port.h:57
#define osMemset(p, value, length)
Definition: os_port.h:138
uint32_t ks[32]
Definition: seed.h:54
void(* CipherAlgoDeinit)(void *context)
Definition: crypto.h:1051
#define STORE32BE(a, p)
Definition: cpu_endian.h:286
Definition: error.h:44
Debugging facilities.