error_t sshFormatOpenSshPrivateKeyHeader(uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format private key header (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:372
error_t sshFormatOpenSshEd25519PrivateKey(const EddsaPrivateKey *privateKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format Ed25519 private key blob (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:812
error_t sshFormatOpenSshEcdsaPrivateKey(const EcPrivateKey *privateKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format ECDSA private key blob (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:676
error_t sshExportEd25519PrivateKey(const EddsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPrivateKeyFormat format)
Export an Ed25519 private key to SSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:370
error_t sshFormatOpenSshRsaPrivateKey(const RsaPrivateKey *privateKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format RSA private key blob (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:436
void base64Encode(const void *input, size_t inputLen, char_t *output, size_t *outputLen)
Base64 encoding algorithm.
Definition: base64.c:142
error_t sshExportRsaPublicKey(const RsaPublicKey *publicKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPublicKeyFormat format)
Export an RSA public key to SSH public key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:56
error_t sshFormatOpenSshEd448PrivateKey(const EddsaPrivateKey *privateKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format Ed448 private key blob (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:910
error_t sshExportEcdsaPublicKey(const EcPublicKey *publicKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPublicKeyFormat format)
Export an ECDSA public key to SSH public key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:144
SSH key parsing.
error_t sshExportOpenSshRsaPrivateKey(const RsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written)
Export an RSA private key to OpenSSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:431
error_t sshFormatEd448PublicKey(const EddsaPublicKey *publicKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format an Ed448 public host key.
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:324
void base64EncodeMultiline(const void *input, size_t inputLen, char_t *output, size_t *outputLen, size_t lineWidth)
Base64 multiline encoding.
Definition: base64.c:79
error_t sshFormatRsaPublicKey(const RsaPublicKey *publicKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format an RSA public host key.
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:53
error_t sshExportOpenSshEd448PrivateKey(const EddsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written)
Export an Ed448 private key to OpenSSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:739
error_t sshExportOpenSshEcdsaPrivateKey(const EcPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written)
Export an ECDSA private key to OpenSSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:589
error_t sshEncodeOpenSshPublicKeyFile(const void *input, size_t inputLen, char_t *output, size_t *outputLen)
Encode SSH public key file (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:899
error_t sshExportDsaPrivateKey(const DsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPrivateKeyFormat format)
Export a DSA private key to SSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:308
error_t sshFormatOpenSshDsaPrivateKey(const DsaPrivateKey *privateKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format DSA private key blob (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:561
error_t sshFormatEd25519PublicKey(const EddsaPublicKey *publicKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format an Ed25519 public host key.
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:275
error_t sshEncodeOpenSshPrivateKeyFile(const void *input, size_t inputLen, char_t *output, size_t *outputLen)
Encode SSH private key file (OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:958
Base64 encoding scheme.
SSH key formatting.
error_t sshExportOpenSshEd25519PrivateKey(const EddsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written)
Export an Ed25519 private key to OpenSSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:664
error_t sshExportEcdsaPrivateKey(const EcPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPrivateKeyFormat format)
Export an ECDSA private key to SSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:339
error_t sshFormatDsaPublicKey(const DsaPublicKey *publicKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format a DSA public host key.
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:109
error_t sshExportRsaPrivateKey(const RsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPrivateKeyFormat format)
Export an RSA private key to SSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:277
error_t sshExportDsaPublicKey(const DsaPublicKey *publicKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPublicKeyFormat format)
Export a DSA public key to SSH public key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:100
error_t sshEncodePublicKeyFile(const void *input, size_t inputLen, char_t *output, size_t *outputLen, SshPublicKeyFormat format)
Encode SSH public key file (SSH2 or OpenSSH format)
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:815
SSH helper functions.
error_t sshParseHostKey(const uint8_t *data, size_t length, SshString *keyFormatId)
Parse host key structure.
Definition: ssh_key_parse.c:53
error_t sshEncodeSsh2PublicKeyFile(const void *input, size_t inputLen, char_t *output, size_t *outputLen)
Encode SSH public key file (SSH2 format)
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:850
error_t sshExportEd448PublicKey(const EddsaPublicKey *publicKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPublicKeyFormat format)
Export a Ed448 public key to SSH public key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:233
Secure Shell (SSH)
error_t sshExportEd25519PublicKey(const EddsaPublicKey *publicKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPublicKeyFormat format)
Export a Ed25519 public key to SSH public key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:188
error_t sshExportOpenSshDsaPrivateKey(const DsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written)
Export a DSA private key to OpenSSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:510
error_t sshFormatEcdsaPublicKey(const EcPublicKey *publicKey, uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format an ECDSA public host key.
Definition: ssh_key_format.c:185
Debugging facilities.
SSH key file export functions.
error_t sshExportEd448PrivateKey(const EddsaPrivateKey *privateKey, char_t *output, size_t *written, SshPrivateKeyFormat format)
Export an Ed448 private key to SSH private key file format.
Definition: ssh_key_export.c:401