void | stpGetDefaultSettings (StpBridgeSettings *settings) |
| Initialize settings with default values. More...
error_t | stpInit (StpBridgeContext *context, StpBridgeSettings *settings) |
| Initialize STP bridge context. More...
error_t | stpStart (StpBridgeContext *context) |
| Start STP bridge operation. More...
error_t | stpStop (StpBridgeContext *context) |
| Stop STP bridge operation. More...
error_t | stpSetBridgePriority (StpBridgeContext *context, uint16_t value) |
| Set bridge priority. More...
error_t | stpSetBridgeMaxAge (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t value) |
| Set Bridge Max Age parameter. More...
error_t | stpSetBridgeHelloTime (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t value) |
| Set Bridge Hello Time parameter. More...
error_t | stpSetBridgeForwardDelay (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t value) |
| Set Bridge Forward Delay parameter. More...
error_t | stpSetAgeingTime (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t value) |
| Set Ageing Time parameter. More...
error_t | stpGetNumPorts (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the number of ports. More...
error_t | stpGetBridgeAddr (StpBridgeContext *context, MacAddr *value) |
| Get the MAC address assigned to the bridge. More...
error_t | stpGetBridgePriority (StpBridgeContext *context, uint16_t *value) |
| Get the assigned bridge priority. More...
error_t | stpGetBridgeMaxAge (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the assigned value of the Bridge Max Age parameter. More...
error_t | stpGetBridgeHelloTime (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the assigned value of the Bridge Hello Time parameter. More...
error_t | stpGetBridgeForwardDelay (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the assigned value of the Bridge Forward Delay parameter. More...
error_t | stpGetHoldTime (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the assigned value of the Hold Time parameter. More...
error_t | stpGetAgeingTime (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the assigned value of the Ageing Time parameter. More...
error_t | stpGetDesignatedRoot (StpBridgeContext *context, StpBridgeId *value) |
| Get the bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree. More...
error_t | stpGetRootPathCost (StpBridgeContext *context, uint32_t *value) |
| Get the current cost of the path to the root. More...
error_t | stpGetRootPort (StpBridgeContext *context, uint16_t *value) |
| Get the current root port. More...
error_t | stpGetMaxAge (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the current Max Age value. More...
error_t | stpGetHelloTime (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the current Hello Time value. More...
error_t | stpGetForwardDelay (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the current Forward Delay value. More...
error_t | stpGetTopologyChanges (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the number of topology changes. More...
error_t | stpGetTimeSinceTopologyChange (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t *value) |
| Get the time since a topology change was last detected. More...
error_t | stpSetPortNum (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint16_t value) |
| Set port number. More...
error_t | stpSetPortAddr (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, const MacAddr *value) |
| Set port address. More...
error_t | stpSetPortPriority (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint8_t value) |
| Set port priority. More...
error_t | stpSetAdminPortState (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, bool_t value) |
| Set administrative bridge port state. More...
error_t | stpSetPortPathCost (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint32_t value) |
| Set administrative port path cost. More...
error_t | stpGetPortNum (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint16_t *value) |
| Get the port number assigned to the port. More...
error_t | stpGetPortAddr (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, MacAddr *value) |
| Get the MAC address assigned to the port. More...
error_t | stpGetPortPriority (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint8_t *value) |
| Get the priority assigned to the port. More...
error_t | stpGetAdminPortState (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, bool_t *value) |
| Get the administrative port state. More...
error_t | stpGetMacOperState (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, bool_t *value) |
| Get the current MAC operational state. More...
error_t | stpGetPortPathCost (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint32_t *value) |
| Get the current value of the port path cost. More...
error_t | stpGetPortState (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, StpPortState *value) |
| Get the current state of the port. More...
error_t | stpGetPortRole (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, StpPortRole *value) |
| Get the assigned role of the port. More...
error_t | stpGetPortDesignatedRoot (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, StpBridgeId *value) |
| Get the bridge identifier of the designated root bridge. More...
error_t | stpGetPortDesignatedCost (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint32_t *value) |
| Get the designated cost of the port. More...
error_t | stpGetPortDesignatedBridge (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, StpBridgeId *value) |
| Get the bridge identifier of the designated bridge. More...
error_t | stpGetPortDesignatedPort (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint16_t *value) |
| Get the port identifier of the designated bridge. More...
error_t | stpGetForwardTransitions (StpBridgeContext *context, uint_t portIndex, uint_t *value) |
| Get the number of times the port has transitioned to Forwarding state. More...
void | stpDeinit (StpBridgeContext *context) |
| Release STP bridge context. More...
STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Copyright (C) 2019-2025 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
This file is part of CycloneSTP Open.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- Author
- Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
- Version
- 2.5.0
Definition in file stp.c.