Sha512Context Struct Reference

SHA-512 algorithm context. More...

#include <sha512.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t h [8]
union {
   uint64_t   w [16]
   uint8_t   buffer [128]
size_t size
uint64_t totalSize

Detailed Description

SHA-512 algorithm context.

Definition at line 61 of file sha512.h.

Field Documentation

◆ @1

union { ... }

◆ buffer

uint8_t buffer[128]

Definition at line 67 of file sha512.h.

◆ h

uint64_t h[8]

Definition at line 63 of file sha512.h.

◆ size

size_t size

Definition at line 69 of file sha512.h.

◆ totalSize

uint64_t totalSize

Definition at line 70 of file sha512.h.

◆ w

uint64_t w[16]

Definition at line 66 of file sha512.h.

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