TlsHelloExtensions Struct Reference

Hello extensions. More...

#include <tls.h>

Data Fields

const TlsSupportedVersionListsupportedVersionList
 SupportedVersions extension (ClientHello) More...
const TlsExtensionselectedVersion
 SupportedVersions extension (ServerHello) More...
const TlsServerNameListserverNameList
 ServerName extension. More...
const TlsSupportedGroupListsupportedGroupList
 SupportedGroups extension. More...
const TlsEcPointFormatListecPointFormatList
 EcPointFormats extension. More...
const TlsSignSchemeListsignAlgoList
 SignatureAlgorithms extension. More...
const TlsSignSchemeListcertSignAlgoList
 SignatureAlgorithmsCert extension. More...
const TlsExtensionmaxFragLen
 MaxFragmentLength extension. More...
const TlsExtensionrecordSizeLimit
 RecordSizeLimit extension. More...
const TlsProtocolNameListprotocolNameList
 ALPN extension. More...
const TlsCertTypeListclientCertTypeList
 ClientCertType extension. More...
const TlsExtensionclientCertType
const TlsCertTypeListserverCertTypeList
 ServerCertType extension. More...
const TlsExtensionserverCertType
const TlsExtensionencryptThenMac
 EncryptThenMac extension. More...
const TlsExtensionextendedMasterSecret
 ExtendedMasterSecret extension. More...
const TlsExtensionsessionTicket
 SessionTicket extension. More...
const TlsRenegoInforenegoInfo
 RenegotiationInfo extension. More...
const Tls13Cookiecookie
 Cookie extension. More...
const TlsCertAuthoritiescertAuthorities
 CertificateAuthorities extension. More...
const Tls13KeyShareListkeyShareList
 KeyShare extension (ClientHello) More...
const TlsExtensionselectedGroup
 KeyShare extension (HelloRetryRequest) More...
const Tls13KeyShareEntryserverShare
 KeyShare extension (ServerHello) More...
const Tls13PskKeModeListpskKeModeList
 PskKeyExchangeModes extension. More...
const Tls13PskIdentityListidentityList
 PreSharedKey extension (ClientHello) More...
const Tls13PskBinderListbinderList
const TlsExtensionselectedIdentity
 PreSharedKey extension (ServerHello) More...
const TlsExtensionearlyDataIndication
 EarlyData extension. More...

Detailed Description

Hello extensions.

Definition at line 2135 of file tls.h.

Field Documentation

◆ binderList

const Tls13PskBinderList* binderList

Definition at line 2179 of file tls.h.

◆ certAuthorities

const TlsCertAuthorities* certAuthorities

CertificateAuthorities extension.

Definition at line 2173 of file tls.h.

◆ certSignAlgoList

const TlsSignSchemeList* certSignAlgoList

SignatureAlgorithmsCert extension.

Definition at line 2143 of file tls.h.

◆ clientCertType

const TlsExtension* clientCertType

Definition at line 2155 of file tls.h.

◆ clientCertTypeList

const TlsCertTypeList* clientCertTypeList

ClientCertType extension.

Definition at line 2154 of file tls.h.

◆ cookie

const Tls13Cookie* cookie

Cookie extension.

Definition at line 2172 of file tls.h.

◆ earlyDataIndication

const TlsExtension* earlyDataIndication

EarlyData extension.

Definition at line 2181 of file tls.h.

◆ ecPointFormatList

const TlsEcPointFormatList* ecPointFormatList

EcPointFormats extension.

Definition at line 2141 of file tls.h.

◆ encryptThenMac

const TlsExtension* encryptThenMac

EncryptThenMac extension.

Definition at line 2160 of file tls.h.

◆ extendedMasterSecret

const TlsExtension* extendedMasterSecret

ExtendedMasterSecret extension.

Definition at line 2163 of file tls.h.

◆ identityList

const Tls13PskIdentityList* identityList

PreSharedKey extension (ClientHello)

Definition at line 2178 of file tls.h.

◆ keyShareList

const Tls13KeyShareList* keyShareList

KeyShare extension (ClientHello)

Definition at line 2174 of file tls.h.

◆ maxFragLen

const TlsExtension* maxFragLen

MaxFragmentLength extension.

Definition at line 2145 of file tls.h.

◆ protocolNameList

const TlsProtocolNameList* protocolNameList

ALPN extension.

Definition at line 2151 of file tls.h.

◆ pskKeModeList

const Tls13PskKeModeList* pskKeModeList

PskKeyExchangeModes extension.

Definition at line 2177 of file tls.h.

◆ recordSizeLimit

const TlsExtension* recordSizeLimit

RecordSizeLimit extension.

Definition at line 2148 of file tls.h.

◆ renegoInfo

const TlsRenegoInfo* renegoInfo

RenegotiationInfo extension.

Definition at line 2169 of file tls.h.

◆ selectedGroup

const TlsExtension* selectedGroup

KeyShare extension (HelloRetryRequest)

Definition at line 2175 of file tls.h.

◆ selectedIdentity

const TlsExtension* selectedIdentity

PreSharedKey extension (ServerHello)

Definition at line 2180 of file tls.h.

◆ selectedVersion

const TlsExtension* selectedVersion

SupportedVersions extension (ServerHello)

Definition at line 2138 of file tls.h.

◆ serverCertType

const TlsExtension* serverCertType

Definition at line 2157 of file tls.h.

◆ serverCertTypeList

const TlsCertTypeList* serverCertTypeList

ServerCertType extension.

Definition at line 2156 of file tls.h.

◆ serverNameList

const TlsServerNameList* serverNameList

ServerName extension.

Definition at line 2139 of file tls.h.

◆ serverShare

const Tls13KeyShareEntry* serverShare

KeyShare extension (ServerHello)

Definition at line 2176 of file tls.h.

◆ sessionTicket

const TlsExtension* sessionTicket

SessionTicket extension.

Definition at line 2166 of file tls.h.

◆ signAlgoList

const TlsSignSchemeList* signAlgoList

SignatureAlgorithms extension.

Definition at line 2142 of file tls.h.

◆ supportedGroupList

const TlsSupportedGroupList* supportedGroupList

SupportedGroups extension.

Definition at line 2140 of file tls.h.

◆ supportedVersionList

const TlsSupportedVersionList* supportedVersionList

SupportedVersions extension (ClientHello)

Definition at line 2137 of file tls.h.

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