Parsing and checking of TLS extensions.
TLS helper functions.
TLS cipher suites.
error_t ecImportPublicKey(EcPublicKey *key, const EcCurve *curve, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, EcPublicKeyFormat format)
Import an EC public key.
Definition: ec.c:263
const HashAlgo * tlsGetHashAlgo(TlsHashAlgo hashAlgoId)
Get the hash algorithm that matches the specified identifier.
Definition: tls_misc.c:1184
error_t tls13DeriveSecret(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *secret, size_t secretLen, const char_t *label, const char_t *message, size_t messageLen, uint8_t *output, size_t outputLen)
Derive-Secret function.
Definition: tls13_key_material.c:156
const EcCurve * tlsGetCurve(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedCurve)
Get the EC domain parameters that match the specified named curve.
Definition: tls_misc.c:1251
TLS 1.3 session tickets.
void kemInit(KemContext *context, const KemAlgo *kemAlgo)
Initialize KEM context.
Definition: kem.c:48
bool_t tls13IsMlkemGroupSupported(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Check whether a given ML-KEM exchange method is supported.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1110
error_t tls13ParseCertExtensions(const uint8_t *p, size_t length, size_t *consumed)
Parse certificate extensions.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1469
TLS 1.3 helper functions.
error_t dhComputeSharedSecret(DhContext *context, uint8_t *output, size_t outputSize, size_t *outputLen)
Compute Diffie-Hellman shared secret.
Definition: dh.c:226
error_t ecdhCheckPublicKey(EcdhContext *context, const EcPublicKey *publicKey)
Check ECDH public key.
Definition: ecdh.c:224
bool_t tls13IsGroupSupported(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Check whether a given named group is supported.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:971
void tlsFormatAad(TlsContext *context, TlsEncryptionEngine *encryptionEngine, const void *record, uint8_t *aad, size_t *aadLen)
Format additional authenticated data (AAD)
Definition: tls_record.c:905
bool_t tls13IsEcdheGroupSupported(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Check whether a given ECDHE group is supported.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1052
const KemAlgo * tls13GetMlkemAlgo(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Get the ML-KEM algorithm that matches the specified named group.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1193
const KemAlgo * tls13GetNextGenAlgo(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Get the next-gen algorithm used by the hybrid key exchange method.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1330
error_t tlsParseHelloExtensions(TlsMessageType msgType, const uint8_t *p, size_t length, TlsHelloExtensions *extensions)
Parse Hello extensions.
Definition: tls_extensions.c:56
error_t tls13ComputeMac(TlsContext *context, TlsEncryptionEngine *encryptionEngine, void *record, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen, uint8_t *mac)
Compute message authentication code.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:846
error_t tls13Decapsulate(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *keyShare, size_t length)
Decapsulation algorithm.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:696
error_t mpiImport(Mpi *r, const uint8_t *input, size_t length, MpiFormat format)
Octet string to integer conversion.
Definition: mpi.c:712
bool_t tls13IsTicketValid(TlsContext *context)
Check whether a session ticket is valid.
Definition: tls13_ticket.c:51
TLS record protocol.
bool_t tls13IsFfdheGroupSupported(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Check whether a given FFDHE group is supported.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1012
void tlsFormatNonce(TlsContext *context, TlsEncryptionEngine *encryptionEngine, const void *record, const uint8_t *recordIv, uint8_t *nonce, size_t *nonceLen)
Format nonce.
Definition: tls_record.c:963
error_t dhCheckPublicKey(DhContext *context, const Mpi *publicKey)
Check Diffie-Hellman public value.
Definition: dh.c:183
bool_t tls13IsHybridGroupSupported(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Check whether a given hybrid key exchange method is supported.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1151
error_t tls13FormatCertExtensions(uint8_t *p, size_t *written)
Format certificate extensions.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1440
const TlsFfdheGroup * tlsGetFfdheGroup(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Get the FFDHE parameters that match the specified named group.
Definition: tls_ffdhe.c:314
error_t tlsLoadFfdheParameters(DhParameters *params, const TlsFfdheGroup *ffdheGroup)
Load FFDHE parameters.
Definition: tls_ffdhe.c:374
const uint8_t tls13HelloRetryRequestRandom[32]
Definition: tls13_misc.c:65
Transcript hash calculation.
error_t ecdhComputeSharedSecret(EcdhContext *context, uint8_t *output, size_t outputSize, size_t *outputLen)
Compute ECDH shared secret.
Definition: ecdh.c:338
__weak_func void hmacUpdate(HmacContext *context, const void *data, size_t length)
Update the HMAC context with a portion of the message being hashed.
Definition: hmac.c:201
__weak_func error_t hmacCompute(const HashAlgo *hash, const void *key, size_t keyLen, const void *data, size_t dataLen, uint8_t *digest)
Compute HMAC using the specified hash function.
Definition: hmac.c:91
error_t tls13GenerateSharedSecret(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *keyShare, size_t length)
(EC)DHE shared secret generation
Definition: tls13_misc.c:423
bool_t tls13IsPskValid(TlsContext *context)
Check whether an externally established PSK is valid.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:933
error_t tls13GenerateKeyShare(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Key share generation.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:260
error_t tls13ComputePskBinder(TlsContext *context, const void *clientHello, size_t clientHelloLen, size_t truncatedClientHelloLen, const Tls13PskIdentity *identity, uint8_t *binder, size_t binderLen)
Compute PSK binder value.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:86
HKDF (HMAC-based Key Derivation Function)
__weak_func void hmacFinal(HmacContext *context, uint8_t *digest)
Finish the HMAC calculation.
Definition: hmac.c:218
error_t kemGenerateKeyPair(KemContext *context, const PrngAlgo *prngAlgo, void *prngContext)
Key pair generation.
Definition: kem.c:100
X.509 certificate handling.
error_t kemLoadPublicKey(KemContext *context, const uint8_t *pk)
Load public key.
Definition: kem.c:160
error_t kemDecapsulate(KemContext *context, const uint8_t *ct, uint8_t *ss)
Decapsulation algorithm.
Definition: kem.c:240
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
const EcCurve * ecGetCurve(const uint8_t *oid, size_t length)
Get the elliptic curve that matches the specified OID.
Definition: ec_curves.c:5888
error_t tlsCheckHelloExtensions(TlsMessageType msgType, uint16_t version, TlsHelloExtensions *extensions)
Check Hello extensions.
Definition: tls_extensions.c:710
TLS 1.3 key schedule.
error_t hkdfExtract(const HashAlgo *hash, const uint8_t *ikm, size_t ikmLen, const uint8_t *salt, size_t saltLen, uint8_t *prk)
HKDF extract step.
Definition: hkdf.c:97
const EcCurve * tls13GetTraditionalAlgo(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Get the traditional algorithm used by the hybrid key exchange method.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1261
FFDHE key exchange.
error_t tls13Encapsulate(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup, const uint8_t *keyShare, size_t length)
Encapsulation algorithm.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:521
error_t tls13HkdfExpandLabel(TlsTransportProtocol transportProtocol, const HashAlgo *hash, const uint8_t *secret, size_t secretLen, const char_t *label, const uint8_t *context, size_t contextLen, uint8_t *output, size_t outputLen)
HKDF-Expand-Label function.
Definition: tls13_key_material.c:62
error_t dhGenerateKeyPair(DhContext *context, const PrngAlgo *prngAlgo, void *prngContext)
Diffie-Hellman key pair generation.
Definition: dh.c:119
error_t tls13DigestClientHello1(TlsContext *context)
Hash ClientHello1 in the transcript when HelloRetryRequest is used.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:888
__weak_func error_t hmacInit(HmacContext *context, const HashAlgo *hash, const void *key, size_t keyLen)
Initialize HMAC calculation.
Definition: hmac.c:140
error_t tls13CheckDuplicateKeyShare(uint16_t namedGroup, const uint8_t *p, size_t length)
Check whether the specified key share group is a duplicate.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:1394
Debugging facilities.
error_t ecdhGenerateKeyPair(EcdhContext *context, const PrngAlgo *prngAlgo, void *prngContext)
ECDH key pair generation.
Definition: ecdh.c:84