error_t tlsSetSupportedGroups(TlsContext *context, const uint16_t *groups, uint_t length)
Specify the list of allowed ECDHE and FFDHE groups.
Definition: tls.c:634
TLS helper functions.
X.509 certificate parsing.
error_t tlsEnableSecureRenegotiation(TlsContext *context, bool_t enabled)
Enable secure renegotiation.
Definition: tls.c:1463
error_t tlsSetConnectionEnd(TlsContext *context, TlsConnectionEnd entity)
Set operation mode (client or server)
Definition: tls.c:349
error_t tlsSetMaxEarlyDataSize(TlsContext *context, size_t maxEarlyDataSize)
Send the maximum amount of 0-RTT data the server can accept.
Definition: tls.c:1671
TLS cipher suites.
error_t tlsSaveSessionTicket(const TlsContext *context, TlsSessionState *session)
Save session ticket.
Definition: tls_misc.c:500
error_t tlsSetTransportProtocol(TlsContext *context, TlsTransportProtocol transportProtocol)
Set the transport protocol to be used.
Definition: tls.c:319
error_t(* TlsTicketEncryptCallback)(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintextLen, uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t *ciphertextLen, void *param)
Ticket encryption callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1967
error_t(* TlsEcdsaVerifyCallback)(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *digest, size_t digestLen, EcdsaSignature *signature)
ECDSA signature verification callback function.
Definition: tls.h:2000
error_t tlsPerformHandshake(TlsContext *context)
Perform TLS handshake.
Definition: tls_handshake.c:115
TLS handshake.
void ecInitDomainParameters(EcDomainParameters *params)
Initialize EC domain parameters.
Definition: ec.c:51
error_t tlsSetPskIdentityHint(TlsContext *context, const char_t *pskIdentityHint)
Set the PSK identity hint to be used by the server.
Definition: tls.c:1096
error_t tlsSetEcdhCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsEcdhCallback ecdhCallback)
Register ECDH key agreement callback function.
Definition: tls.c:751
error_t tlsSetCertificateVerifyCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsCertVerifyCallback certVerifyCallback, void *param)
Register certificate verification callback function.
Definition: tls.c:1413
error_t(* DtlsCookieGenerateCallback)(TlsContext *context, const DtlsClientParameters *clientParams, uint8_t *cookie, size_t *length, void *param)
DTLS cookie generation callback function.
Definition: dtls_misc.h:240
error_t(* TlsSocketReceiveCallback)(TlsSocketHandle handle, void *data, size_t size, size_t *received, uint_t flags)
Socket receive callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1927
TLS 1.3 session tickets.
error_t tlsSaveSessionId(const TlsContext *context, TlsSessionState *session)
Save session ID.
Definition: tls_misc.c:428
void kemInit(KemContext *context, const KemAlgo *kemAlgo)
Initialize KEM context.
Definition: kem.c:48
error_t tlsSetSupportedSignAlgos(TlsContext *context, const uint16_t *signAlgos, uint_t length)
Specify the list of allowed signature algorithms.
Definition: tls.c:689
error_t tlsSetAlpnCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsAlpnCallback alpnCallback)
Register ALPN callback function.
Definition: tls.c:933
error_t tlsSetEcdsaSignCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsEcdsaSignCallback ecdsaSignCallback)
Register ECDSA signature generation callback function.
Definition: tls.c:777
error_t tlsEnableReplayDetection(TlsContext *context, bool_t enabled)
Enable anti-replay mechanism (for DTLS only)
Definition: tls.c:1643
error_t tlsShutdownEx(TlsContext *context, bool_t waitForCloseNotify)
Gracefully close TLS session.
Definition: tls.c:2320
error_t tlsSetPmtu(TlsContext *context, size_t pmtu)
Set PMTU value (for DTLS only)
Definition: tls.c:1549
void ecFreeDomainParameters(EcDomainParameters *params)
Release EC domain parameters.
Definition: ec.c:72
void tlsFreeSessionState(TlsSessionState *session)
Properly dispose a session state.
Definition: tls.c:2753
error_t(* TlsSocketSendCallback)(TlsSocketHandle handle, const void *data, size_t length, size_t *written, uint_t flags)
Socket send callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1919
error_t tlsRestoreSessionState(TlsContext *context, const TlsSessionState *session)
Restore TLS session.
Definition: tls.c:2700
error_t(* TlsAlpnCallback)(TlsContext *context, const char_t *selectedProtocol)
ALPN callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1935
error_t tlsSetVersion(TlsContext *context, uint16_t versionMin, uint16_t versionMax)
Set minimum and maximum versions permitted.
Definition: tls.c:285
error_t(* TlsRpkVerifyCallback)(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *rawPublicKey, size_t rawPublicKeyLen)
Raw public key verification callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1959
error_t tlsEnableFallbackScsv(TlsContext *context, bool_t enabled)
Perform fallback retry (for clients only)
Definition: tls.c:1489
error_t tlsSetMaxFragmentLength(TlsContext *context, size_t maxFragLen)
Set maximum fragment length.
Definition: tls.c:569
error_t tls13SaveSessionTicket(const TlsContext *context, TlsSessionState *session)
Save session ticket.
Definition: tls13_ticket.c:89
error_t tlsSetPsk(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *psk, size_t length)
Set the pre-shared key to be used.
Definition: tls.c:986
error_t pemImportCertificate(const char_t *input, size_t inputLen, uint8_t *output, size_t *outputLen, size_t *consumed)
Decode a PEM file containing a certificate.
Definition: pem_import.c:61
error_t tlsSendAlert(TlsContext *context, uint8_t level, uint8_t description)
Send Alert message.
Definition: tls_common.c:516
error_t tlsParseAlert(TlsContext *context, const TlsAlert *message, size_t length)
Parse Alert message.
Definition: tls_common.c:1601
PEM file import functions.
error_t tls13SendEarlyData(TlsContext *context, const void *data, size_t length, size_t *written)
Send early data to the remote TLS server.
Definition: tls13_client_misc.c:192
DTLS record protocol.
bool_t tls13IsGroupSupported(TlsContext *context, uint16_t namedGroup)
Check whether a given named group is supported.
Definition: tls13_misc.c:808
void tlsFreeEncryptionEngine(TlsEncryptionEngine *encryptionEngine)
Release encryption engine.
Definition: tls_misc.c:917
void(* TlsStateChangeCallback)(TlsContext *context, TlsState state)
TLS state change callback.
Definition: tls.h:1912
error_t tlsSetTicketCallbacks(TlsContext *context, TlsTicketEncryptCallback ticketEncryptCallback, TlsTicketDecryptCallback ticketDecryptCallback, void *param)
Set ticket encryption/decryption callbacks.
Definition: tls.c:1517
error_t tlsSetTimeout(TlsContext *context, systime_t timeout)
Set timeout for blocking calls (for DTLS only)
Definition: tls.c:1579
error_t(* TlsEcdhCallback)(TlsContext *context)
ECDH key agreement callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1985
TlsEarlyDataStatus tlsGetEarlyDataStatus(TlsContext *context)
Check whether the server has accepted or rejected the early data.
Definition: tls.c:1811
Helper functions for TLS 1.3 client.
error_t tlsAddCertificate(TlsContext *context, const char_t *certChain, size_t certChainLen, const char_t *privateKey, size_t privateKeyLen)
Add a certificate and the corresponding private key (deprecated)
Definition: tls.c:1231
Handshake message processing (TLS client and server)
TlsSignatureScheme signScheme
Signature scheme used to sign the end entity certificate.
Definition: tls.h:2088
bool_t tlsIsTxReady(TlsContext *context)
Check whether some data is ready for transmission.
Definition: tls.c:2228
error_t tlsSetPreferredGroup(TlsContext *context, uint16_t group)
Specify the preferred ECDHE or FFDHE group.
Definition: tls.c:661
TLS record protocol.
error_t tlsReadProtocolData(TlsContext *context, uint8_t **data, size_t *length, TlsContentType *contentType)
Read protocol data.
Definition: tls_record.c:157
error_t tlsEnableSessionTickets(TlsContext *context, bool_t enabled)
Enable session ticket mechanism.
Definition: tls.c:1437
error_t dtlsWriteProtocolData(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, TlsContentType contentType)
Write protocol data.
Definition: dtls_record.c:58
error_t tlsSaveSessionState(const TlsContext *context, TlsSessionState *session)
Save TLS session.
Definition: tls.c:2631
error_t tlsRead(TlsContext *context, void *data, size_t size, size_t *received, uint_t flags)
Receive application data from a the remote host using TLS.
Definition: tls.c:1989
error_t tlsSetKeyLogCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsKeyLogCallback keyLogCallback)
Register key logging callback function (for debugging purpose only)
Definition: tls.c:831
error_t(* TlsCertVerifyCallback)(TlsContext *context, const X509CertInfo *certInfo, uint_t pathLen, void *param)
Certificate verification callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1951
error_t tlsWriteEarlyData(TlsContext *context, const void *data, size_t length, size_t *written, uint_t flags)
Send early data to the remote TLS server.
Definition: tls.c:1700
error_t tlsSetServerName(TlsContext *context, const char_t *serverName)
Set the server name.
Definition: tls.c:403
Transcript hash calculation.
error_t tlsRestoreSessionId(TlsContext *context, const TlsSessionState *session)
Restore a TLS session using session ID.
Definition: tls_misc.c:554
error_t tlsSetRpkVerifyCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsRpkVerifyCallback rpkVerifyCallback)
Register the raw public key verification callback function.
Definition: tls.c:1171
error_t tlsSetEcdsaVerifyCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsEcdsaVerifyCallback ecdsaVerifyCallback)
Register ECDSA signature verification callback function.
Definition: tls.c:804
bool_t tlsIsRxReady(TlsContext *context)
Check whether some data is available in the receive buffer.
Definition: tls.c:2262
error_t(* TlsEcdsaSignCallback)(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *digest, size_t digestLen, EcdsaSignature *signature)
ECDSA signature generation callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1992
error_t dtlsReadProtocolData(TlsContext *context, uint8_t **data, size_t *length, TlsContentType *contentType)
Read protocol data.
Definition: dtls_record.c:130
error_t tlsSetBufferSize(TlsContext *context, size_t txBufferSize, size_t rxBufferSize)
Set TLS buffer size.
Definition: tls.c:521
error_t tlsParseHandshakeMessage(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *message, size_t length)
Parse handshake message.
Definition: tls_handshake.c:339
error_t(* DtlsCookieVerifyCallback)(TlsContext *context, const DtlsClientParameters *clientParams, const uint8_t *cookie, size_t length, void *param)
DTLS cookie verification callback function.
Definition: dtls_misc.h:249
error_t tlsSetStateChangeCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsStateChangeCallback stateChangeCallback)
Register TLS state change callback.
Definition: tls.c:229
char_t password[TLS_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN+1]
Password used to decrypt the private key.
Definition: tls.h:2086
error_t tlsGetCertificateSignAlgo(const X509CertInfo *certInfo, TlsSignatureScheme *signScheme)
Retrieve the signature algorithm used to sign the certificate.
Definition: tls_certificate.c:1278
error_t tlsSetPskCallback(TlsContext *context, TlsPskCallback pskCallback)
Register PSK callback function.
Definition: tls.c:1145
error_t tlsWriteProtocolData(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, TlsContentType contentType)
Write protocol data.
Definition: tls_record.c:54
error_t tlsSetSocketCallbacks(TlsContext *context, TlsSocketSendCallback socketSendCallback, TlsSocketReceiveCallback socketReceiveCallback, TlsSocketHandle handle)
Set socket send and receive callbacks.
Definition: tls.c:253
error_t tlsSetCipherSuites(TlsContext *context, const uint16_t *cipherSuites, uint_t length)
Specify the list of allowed cipher suites.
Definition: tls.c:605
X.509 certificate handling.
error_t tlsWrite(TlsContext *context, const void *data, size_t length, size_t *written, uint_t flags)
Send application data to the remote host using TLS.
Definition: tls.c:1854
error_t x509ParseCertificateEx(const uint8_t *data, size_t length, X509CertInfo *certInfo, bool_t ignoreUnknown)
Parse a X.509 certificate.
Definition: x509_cert_parse.c:73
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
error_t tlsSetAlpnProtocolList(TlsContext *context, const char_t *protocolList)
Set the list of supported ALPN protocols.
Definition: tls.c:884
error_t tlsLoadCertificate(TlsContext *context, uint_t index, const char_t *certChain, size_t certChainLen, const char_t *privateKey, size_t privateKeyLen, const char_t *password)
Load entity's certificate.
Definition: tls.c:1275
error_t(* TlsPskCallback)(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *pskIdentity, size_t pskIdentityLen)
Pre-shared key callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1943
error_t tlsSetClientAuthMode(TlsContext *context, TlsClientAuthMode mode)
Set client authentication mode (for servers only)
Definition: tls.c:499
const char_t * tlsGetAlpnProtocol(TlsContext *context)
Get the name of the selected ALPN protocol.
Definition: tls.c:958
error_t tlsGetCertificateType(const X509CertInfo *certInfo, TlsCertificateType *certType, TlsNamedGroup *namedCurve)
Retrieve the certificate type.
Definition: tls_certificate.c:1158
void tlsProcessError(TlsContext *context, error_t errorCode)
Translate an error code to an alert message.
Definition: tls_misc.c:74
error_t tlsAllowUnknownAlpnProtocols(TlsContext *context, bool_t allowed)
Allow unknown ALPN protocols.
Definition: tls.c:858
void tlsChangeState(TlsContext *context, TlsState newState)
Update TLS state.
Definition: tls_misc.c:54
error_t tlsSetCookieCallbacks(TlsContext *context, DtlsCookieGenerateCallback cookieGenerateCallback, DtlsCookieVerifyCallback cookieVerifyCallback, void *param)
Set cookie generation/verification callbacks (for DTLS only)
Definition: tls.c:1607
void(* TlsKeyLogCallback)(TlsContext *context, const char_t *key)
Key logging callback function (for debugging purpose only)
Definition: tls.h:2008
error_t tlsSetPrng(TlsContext *context, const PrngAlgo *prngAlgo, void *prngContext)
Set the pseudo-random number generator to be used.
Definition: tls.c:375
error_t tlsSetTrustedCaList(TlsContext *context, const char_t *trustedCaList, size_t length)
Import a trusted CA list.
Definition: tls.c:1199
error_t pemImportDhParameters(const char_t *input, size_t length, DhParameters *params)
Decode a PEM file containing Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Definition: pem_import.c:149
error_t tlsInitSessionState(TlsSessionState *session)
Initialize session state.
Definition: tls.c:2610
error_t(* TlsTicketDecryptCallback)(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLen, uint8_t *plaintext, size_t *plaintextLen, void *param)
Ticket decryption callback function.
Definition: tls.h:1976
error_t tlsSetPskIdentity(TlsContext *context, const char_t *pskIdentity)
Set the PSK identity to be used by the client.
Definition: tls.c:1047
error_t tls13RestoreSessionTicket(TlsContext *context, const TlsSessionState *session)
Restore a TLS session using session ticket.
Definition: tls13_ticket.c:187
error_t tlsSetDhParameters(TlsContext *context, const char_t *params, size_t length)
Import Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Definition: tls.c:723
Debugging facilities.
void tlsFreeTranscriptHash(TlsContext *context)
Release transcript hash context.
Definition: tls_transcript_hash.c:296
error_t tlsRestoreSessionTicket(TlsContext *context, const TlsSessionState *session)
Restore a TLS session using session ticket.
Definition: tls_misc.c:603