An address whose uniqueness on a link is being verified.
Definition: ipv6.h:174
NdpNeighborCacheEntry * ndpFindNeighborCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
Search the Neighbor cache for a given IPv6 address.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:154
char_t * ipv6AddrToString(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, char_t *str)
Convert a binary IPv6 address to a string representation.
Definition: ipv6.c:2339
IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)
void ipv6AddDefaultRouter(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *addr, uint16_t lifetime, uint8_t preference)
Add a new entry to the Default Router List.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:540
NetBuffer * ipAllocBuffer(size_t length, size_t *offset)
Allocate a buffer to hold an IP packet.
Definition: ip.c:710
Helper functions for NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)
void ndpUpdateAddrList(NetInterface *interface)
Manage the lifetime of IPv6 addresses.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:98
void ndpDumpRouterSolMessage(const NdpRouterSolMessage *message)
Dump Router Solicitation message for debugging purpose.
Definition: ndp.c:2263
void ipv6RemoveDefaultRouter(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *addr)
Remove an entry from the Default Router List.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:607
error_t ndpSendRedirect(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *targetAddr, const NetBuffer *ipPacket, size_t ipPacketOffset)
Send a Redirect message.
Definition: ndp.c:2092
void ndpAddOption(void *message, size_t *messageLen, uint8_t type, const void *value, size_t length)
Append an option to a NDP message.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:605
NdpDestCacheEntry * ndpFindDestCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *destAddr)
Search the Destination Cache for a given destination address.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:503
systime_t rtrSolicitationInterval
Time interval between retransmissions of RS messages.
Definition: ndp.h:586
bool_t ipv6IsTentativeAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
Check whether an IPv6 address is a tentative address.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:1100
systime_t minRtrSolicitationDelay
Minimum delay before transmitting the first RS message.
Definition: ndp.h:584
error_t ndpSendNeighborSol(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *targetIpAddr, bool_t multicast)
Send a Neighbor Solicitation message.
Definition: ndp.c:1790
error_t ndpSetReachableTime(NetInterface *interface, systime_t reachableTime)
Configure the NDP reachable time.
Definition: ndp.c:141
IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration.
void ndpDumpNeighborSolMessage(const NdpNeighborSolMessage *message)
Dump Neighbor Solicitation message for debugging purpose.
Definition: ndp.c:2297
error_t netBufferConcat(NetBuffer *dest, const NetBuffer *src, size_t srcOffset, size_t length)
Concatenate two multi-part buffers.
Definition: net_mem.c:460
void ndpLinkChangeEvent(NetInterface *interface)
Callback function for link change event.
Definition: ndp.c:638
uint_t dupAddrDetectTransmits
Maximum number of NS messages sent while performing DAD.
Definition: ndp.h:583
void ndpProcessRedirect(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, const NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Redirect message processing.
Definition: ndp.c:1460
ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6)
NetInterface * nicGetPhysicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve physical interface.
Definition: nic.c:85
uint32_t netGenerateRandRange(uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
Generate a random value in the specified range.
Definition: net_misc.c:963
error_t ipv6SelectSourceAddr(NetInterface **interface, const Ipv6Addr *destAddr, Ipv6Addr *srcAddr)
IPv6 source address selection.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:870
char_t * macAddrToString(const MacAddr *macAddr, char_t *str)
Convert a MAC address to a dash delimited string.
Definition: ethernet.c:919
void slaacParseRouterAdv(SlaacContext *context, NdpRouterAdvMessage *message, size_t length)
Parse Router Advertisement message.
Definition: slaac_misc.c:104
NdpNeighborCacheEntry * ndpCreateNeighborCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface)
Create a new entry in the Neighbor cache.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:72
NdpDestCacheEntry * ndpCreateDestCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface)
Create a new entry in the Destination Cache.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:452
uint_t ndpSendQueuedPackets(NetInterface *interface, NdpNeighborCacheEntry *entry)
Send packets that are waiting for address resolution.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:350
Helper functions for IPv6.
error_t netBufferCopy(NetBuffer *dest, size_t destOffset, const NetBuffer *src, size_t srcOffset, size_t length)
Copy data between multi-part buffers.
Definition: net_mem.c:522
size_t netBufferGetLength(const NetBuffer *buffer)
Get the actual length of a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:297
void ndpUpdateDefaultRouterList(NetInterface *interface)
Periodically update Default Router List.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:297
Neighbor and destination cache management.
bool_t ndpIsFirstHopRouter(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *destAddr, const Ipv6Addr *nextHop)
Check whether an address is the first-hop router for the specified destination.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:455
NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)
void ndpProcessNeighborSol(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, const NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Neighbor Solicitation message processing.
Definition: ndp.c:966
Packets waiting for address resolution to complete.
Definition: ndp.h:557
void ndpDumpNeighborAdvMessage(const NdpNeighborAdvMessage *message)
Dump Neighbor Advertisement message for debugging purpose.
Definition: ndp.c:2312
void ndpProcessNeighborAdv(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, const NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Neighbor Advertisement message processing.
Definition: ndp.c:1212
void ndpUpdateNeighborCache(NetInterface *interface)
Periodically update Neighbor cache.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:187
error_t ndpEnable(NetInterface *interface, bool_t enable)
Enable address resolution using Neighbor Discovery protocol.
Definition: ndp.c:106
uint16_t ipCalcUpperLayerChecksumEx(const void *pseudoHeader, size_t pseudoHeaderLen, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, size_t length)
Calculate IP upper-layer checksum over a multi-part buffer.
Definition: ip.c:685
error_t ndpSendNeighborAdv(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *targetIpAddr, const Ipv6Addr *destIpAddr)
Send a Neighbor Advertisement message.
Definition: ndp.c:1923
systime_t maxRtrSolicitationDelay
Maximum delay before transmitting the first RS message.
Definition: ndp.h:585
Definition: ipv6.c:78
error_t ipv6SendDatagram(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, NetTxAncillary *ancillary)
Send an IPv6 datagram.
Definition: ipv6.c:1713
IP MIB module.
error_t ndpEnqueuePacket(NetInterface *srcInterface, NetInterface *destInterface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, NetTxAncillary *ancillary)
Enqueue an IPv6 packet waiting for address resolution.
Definition: ndp.c:457
error_t netBufferAppend(NetBuffer *dest, const void *src, size_t length)
Append data a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:604
void osAcquireMutex(OsMutex *mutex)
Acquire ownership of the specified mutex object.
Definition: os_port_chibios.c:396
void osReleaseMutex(OsMutex *mutex)
Release ownership of the specified mutex object.
Definition: os_port_chibios.c:408
Ipv6AddrState ipv6GetLinkLocalAddrState(NetInterface *interface)
Get the state of the link-local address.
Definition: ipv6.c:327
void * ndpGetOption(uint8_t *options, size_t length, uint8_t type)
Search a NDP message for a given option.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:653
error_t ndpSetRetransTimer(NetInterface *interface, systime_t retransTimer)
Configure the time interval between retransmission of NS messages.
Definition: ndp.c:189
error_t netBufferSetLength(NetBuffer *buffer, size_t length)
Adjust the length of a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:322
bool_t ipv6IsAnycastAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
Check whether an IPv6 address is an anycast address.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:1064
error_t ipv6ComputeSolicitedNodeAddr(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, Ipv6Addr *solicitedNodeAddr)
Form a solicited-node address from an IPv6 address.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:1365
error_t ndpSendRouterSol(NetInterface *interface)
Send a Router Solicitation message.
Definition: ndp.c:1670
error_t ndpCheckOptions(const uint8_t *options, size_t length)
Check NDP message options.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:696
void ndpDumpRouterAdvMessage(const NdpRouterAdvMessage *message)
Dump Router Advertisement message for debugging purpose.
Definition: ndp.c:2277
void * netBufferAt(const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, size_t length)
Returns a pointer to a data segment.
Definition: net_mem.c:418
Helper functions for SLAAC.
void ndpUpdatePrefixList(NetInterface *interface)
Periodically update Prefix List.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:261
error_t ndpResolve(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, MacAddr *macAddr)
Address resolution using Neighbor Discovery protocol.
Definition: ndp.c:357
void ndpParsePrefixInfoOption(NetInterface *interface, NdpPrefixInfoOption *option)
Parse Prefix Information Option.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:55
void ndpChangeState(NdpNeighborCacheEntry *entry, NdpState newState)
Update Neighbor cache entry state.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:53
An address assigned to an interface whose use is unrestricted.
Definition: ipv6.h:175
error_t ndpRemoveStaticEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
Remove a static entry from the Neighbor cache.
Definition: ndp.c:312
error_t ndpAddStaticEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, const MacAddr *macAddr)
Add a static entry in the Neighbor cache.
Definition: ndp.c:238
TCP/IP stack core.
NetInterface * nicGetLogicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve logical interface.
Definition: nic.c:53
void ndpProcessRouterAdv(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, const NetRxAncillary *ancillary)
Router Advertisement message processing.
Definition: ndp.c:676
Debugging facilities.
void ndpDumpRedirectMessage(const NdpRedirectMessage *message)
Dump Redirect message for debugging purpose.
Definition: ndp.c:2330