NdpNeighborCacheEntry * ndpFindNeighborCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
Search the Neighbor cache for a given IPv6 address.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:154
Helper functions for NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)
void ipv6UpdateOutStats(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *destIpAddr, size_t length)
Update IPv6 output statistics.
Definition: ipv6_misc.c:1452
NdpDestCacheEntry * ndpFindDestCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *destAddr)
Search the Destination Cache for a given destination address.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:503
void ndpFlushQueuedPackets(NetInterface *interface, NdpNeighborCacheEntry *entry)
Flush packet queue.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:409
error_t ethSendFrame(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *destAddr, uint16_t type, NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, NetTxAncillary *ancillary)
Send an Ethernet frame.
Definition: ethernet.c:399
error_t ndpSendNeighborSol(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *targetIpAddr, bool_t multicast)
Send a Neighbor Solicitation message.
Definition: ndp.c:1790
error_t icmpv6SendErrorMessage(NetInterface *interface, uint8_t type, uint8_t code, uint32_t parameter, const NetBuffer *ipPacket, size_t ipPacketOffset)
Send an ICMPv6 Error message.
Definition: icmpv6.c:515
ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6)
NetInterface * nicGetPhysicalInterface(NetInterface *interface)
Retrieve physical interface.
Definition: nic.c:85
NdpNeighborCacheEntry * ndpCreateNeighborCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface)
Create a new entry in the Neighbor cache.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:72
NdpDestCacheEntry * ndpCreateDestCacheEntry(NetInterface *interface)
Create a new entry in the Destination Cache.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:452
uint_t ndpSendQueuedPackets(NetInterface *interface, NdpNeighborCacheEntry *entry)
Send packets that are waiting for address resolution.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:350
Helper functions for IPv6.
void ndpUpdateNextHop(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *unreachableNextHop)
Update next-hop field of Destination Cache entries.
Definition: ndp_misc.c:566
size_t netBufferGetLength(const NetBuffer *buffer)
Get the actual length of a multi-part buffer.
Definition: net_mem.c:297
Neighbor and destination cache management.
NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)
Packets waiting for address resolution to complete.
Definition: ndp.h:557
void ndpUpdateNeighborCache(NetInterface *interface)
Periodically update Neighbor cache.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:187
void ndpChangeState(NdpNeighborCacheEntry *entry, NdpState newState)
Update Neighbor cache entry state.
Definition: ndp_cache.c:53
TCP/IP stack core.
Debugging facilities.